I was just reading the rules PDF and thought this was weird...

By FriendFive, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Hi all,

I saw the following on page 8 of the rule book and thought it was thematically strange:





Important: If a mission is attempted or resolved in the “Rebel Base” space, the leader is placed in the “Rebel Base” space of the game board and not in the system where the Rebel base is hidden.
Opposing a Mission

After a player declares where he is attempting a mission, his opponent has a chance to send one leader from his leader pool to oppose that mission. An opposing leader is placed in the system where the mission is being attempted.

So, if a Rebel player attempts a mission in the Rebel Base space, and the Imperial player wants to oppose that mission, the Imperial player places his leader in the Rebel Space space. That doesn't seem to make any sense to me since the Imperials don't know where the Rebel Base is, so how could they send a leader there to oppose a Rebel mission there?

My guess is that they designed the mission cards such that, there aren't any that are "attempts" in the Rebel Base, but any missions for the Rebel Base are "resolves" and therefore cannot be opposed. However, the text above in the "important" notes seems to allow for "attempted" missions in the Rebel Base.

Anybody have any ideas about this?

Edited by FriendFive

I believe that all the missions for the Rebel Base are simple "Resolve" types.

All the other missions require you to attempt or resolve in a specific system on the board or a space with imperials or some other particular requirement which the Rebel Base Space does not qualify for.

In the event your Rebel Base is hidden on Dagobah, you could send Leia to the Rebel Base Space to resolve a mission, then send Luke to Dagobah to train and if vader came to capture Luke, He would entirely miss the fact that the Rebel base was there because he had no troops to scour the planet. Leia, however could not add her icons to Luke's to help prevent the capture, unless of course, the Rebel player voluntarily revealed the location and everything in the Rebel Base Space moved over to Dagobah. And I'm sure I've gotten parts of this wrong.

In any case, Warning:Fun just ahead.

Makes sense to me. The only mission cards you attempt are ones that can be opposed by the enemy. Logically, this isn't going to generally be the case in the hidden rebel base but I could imagine scenarios where it COULD happen.

Example: A Security Sweep mission to uncover espionage agents. If opposed, the leader might be the spymaster who orchestrated the mission without physically being there. If unopposed, there were no spies in place.