Destroyed System Clarification

By DyingTickles, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Still, there is nothing that says you cant do a mission in a destroyed system. The rules for destroyed systems does not say you cant attempt a mission there. Named system or not.

There are only 3 Superlaser online cards. You would need to draw project cards every round, which requires a mission. There are a couple special missions that draw more project cards. So let's say you drew all 10, the earliest it could be is round 6, and that's only if 2 special missions allow drawing, which I can't remember off hand.

The likelyhood of destroying more than 3 systems is very low.

Are destroyed systems still eligible for named system missions? For example, if the Imperial player destroys the Dagobah system, can the Rebels still play the Seek Yoda mission card?

I think you can. The arguments to the contrary are not based in rules from either of the rule books.

I played as the Rebels yesterday and this happened, Dagobah was destroyed. I did not have "Seek Yoda" card but we talked about what would happen if we did. We decided (from a logic and thematic point of view) that Luke could not go there to seek Yoda (after all, not even he had the power to resist the superlaser)

The problem comes with the nomenclature of "system" and "planet" within the game (planet is referred only in the context of a system that " not only represents the single planet depicted in the artwork, but also nearby moons, space stations, and other planets in the system ")

I think this was added for Endor and Yavin, we see the "Forest Moon of Endor" but nor Endor itself, which is a gas giant orbiting 2 suns representing the Endor system.

Yavin on the other hand shows both moon and gas giant planet and is never referred to the "Moon of Yavin".

I digress. The Death Star could not feasibly destroy a "system" as we know it, it could destroy the Solar System's component of 8 planets and multitude of dwarf planets (which I think the makers of the game were referring to above) if it was happy wandering around blasting away 1 habitable planet and lumps of rock. It cannot destroy any stars but individual planets and maybe only rocky ones at that, not sure of gas/ice giants.

So the crux of the problem lays here, to "destroy a system" rather than "destroy a planet", the Death Star can destroy a planet or planets, it cannot destroy a whole systems from out perspective. But then Star Wars has never been wholly accurate on our conception of astrophysics.

If these systems were destroyed:

Mon Calamari - then "Support of the Mon Calamari" should not work, cannot have loyalty but could technically build a cruiser as it does not state that the blue square icon is needed to achieve this (which is stated that it is needed to build the Super Star Destroyer). Thematically, could the system have full capability to build a capital ship? Unlikely. Conclusion: this mission would not work

Kashyyyk - "Wookie Uprising", once again no point in loyalty, but if the Death Star and support ships/ground units existed in the system could still be targeted. Hmmmmm, ambiguous, possibly, depends once again if they remaining Wookies are flying about all sorts of angry. Conclusion: half of this mission could work.

Kashyyyk/Besping - "An old friend" probably more of a possibility if Chewie/Lando are on one of the " nearby moons, space stations, and other planets in the system ". Conclusion: Veering more to the "yes" for this.

Dagobah - "Seek Yoda" I think poor old Yoda would also die from his planets destruction although the system would remain. Conclusion: Cannot do this mission.

So there is ambiguity here. I have no idea why this (" not only represents the single planet depicted in the artwork, but also nearby moons, space stations, and other planets in the system ") definition of system exists? What is it's purpose?

Destroyed systems should be destroyed, simple as that. You can pass through them, missions such as "Capture Rebel Operative" can be still achieved but if it specifically names the system to complete a mission and it is destroyed, then that's it, you cannot complete the mission. Very harsh on the Rebels but that's the rub.

This thread is from a month ago. Since then, Corey (one of the designers) clarified this issue, stating that you can still resolve system specific missions once that system has been destroyed.

House rule as you like, but there is no need to further debate the official answer to this question.

Destroyed systems retain their names. Missions and action cards can still be attempted and resolved in Destroyed systems. This includes the Seek Yoda mission card.

I hope this answers your question!

-Corey Konieczka

VP of Research & Design

Fantasy Flight Games

Edited by GAThraawn

Glad to have an official ruling on that.

Last game, I left Corusant undefended, and by careful use of Sabotage, and getting the jump on me, my enemy scored "Heart of the Empire" several times in a row. I was wondering if I should just pop Corusant before I leave, to avoid this.

Sadly, I cannot.

Sadly illogical, but then Mr Konieczka has designed a game that is sheer genius and I have not, so there it is.

Yoda senses the imminent danger just before the planet is vaporised and escapes. He establishes a floating Jedi school in the remaining crumbs of the recently masticated planet called 'Master Yoda's College for Hidden Orphans and Wayward Heroes'. Theme triumphs again. ^_^

Edited by TheFamousECCLES