Destroyed System Clarification

By DyingTickles, in Star Wars: Rebellion

I think a ruling for clarity sake needs to be given. It does not say in the rulebook that you can attempt missions in a destroyed system nor does it say you can't.

There's no disagreement as to whether or not you can do missions in a destroyed system. I think we all agree you can (I.e. a mission that has to be performed in a system with enemy units can be performed in a destroyed system with enemy units) but the vagueness is whether the Dagobah System can still be considered the Dagobah System after being covered with a destroyed system marker.

I agree that the matter is vague, and yes. My post above was inference and can't be confirmed or contradicted by the rules. I think this is a strong contender for faq or errata. In the meantime, all we can do is agree on an interpretation beforehand.

I have the game and have played twice. We are talking about Dagobah, but like I said there are other cards that target other systems by name. I think it could potentially hurt the rebel player to have useless cards.

I'm at work so just out of memory, I know Kashyyyk, Correlia, Dagobah, Mon Calamari systems are all targeted by different cards. Some missions, some action cards.

I have to question, tho, whether it makes sense for the Imp to take the danger egg after a system, JUST to mess with one or two cards? You only have three of those blowy uppy cards, iirc. Going after the rebel base? Of course. But taking out the ability to take Luke from farm boy to Jedi? I can't see that being worth it

Edited to clarify

Edited by Hersh

It's such a fine balancing point. On one hand, it seems intuitive that Luke can't go to a destroyed Dagobah anymore than Obi-Wan could deliver the death star plans to a destroyed Alderaan. On the other hand, tactically, there's not much advantage to the Imperial player in NOT blowing up Dagobah if this is the case.

If I am playing Imps AND you only have three of those blowey uppy cards for the danger egg, I am going to horde them for when I find the rebel base. Blow up the first one, the flee just in time, (of course), go find the next base, blow it up, etc adnauseum.

That is a very good point, tho, Koala. Old Ben's job was to deliver the plans to Alderaan. He successfully delivered them even tho Alderaan was destroyed. Methinks this is time for a hmmmmnnnnn

On a side note, I'm remembering one of my favorite games of the old rebellion pc game when. I had two death stars and pretty much blew up every single non loyal planet, leaving a trail of debris in the outer rim, until I found the rebel base (and it had nowhere to go)

Good times.

Never played the old Rebellion video game.

When you actually play the game, you will realize that you wont be hording those cards. You will need to blow up a planet that your opponent commits some units to or is generating some good units from. At least the first superlaser card. After that you can probably save it. If this rule is the case. Then the first thing I will blow up is Mon calamari because there are cards that allow you to get mon cal cruisers without having to do it during building phase. But the mission says Mon calamari.

I don't have a copy of the game, so, I will take your word on it. But, I would still be sorely tempted to hold on to those cards as long as possible.

You will be surprised when you play that you are afraid of that death of the reasons you want to at least use that superlaser early is because the rebels could blow it up. When I played as the rebels, I was afraid of that death star and I tried to blow it up about 2/5 of the way in and failed miserably and lost my whole fleet. When I played as empire, I loaded it up with 6 TIES and 1 transport so I would have 5red and 5black. And started heading toward the biggest rebel fleet and rebels were panicked.

Oh, I have no doubt it would be scary to face that beast. Unless you have the two cards, one that guarantees a hit, (one in a million?), and the one that lets you kill the danger egg. Otherwise, yeah, stay out of its way as much as possible

In both games I played, the rebel player never got both of those cards. One in a million and death star plans.

My opponent played two actions cards during a battle that had Admiral Ackbar on it. One kept me from playing battle cards first round, the other made all my units -1 hit points. Rebels won that battle.

Really? I thought the plans were one of those ones you are almost guaranteed to get. One in a million, i have no clue about, (as with most things actually, well, I know Koala is one GOOD LOOKING GAND, but, aside from that...).

When I played the rebels, I got the Death Star Plans card. But the One in a Million is an action card. It may not come up. I think there is a mission card that lets you look for it also.

We're you playing with the action cards or were you playing the first time rules?

You aren't limited to blowing up 3 planets, though, are you? Once a card is used, it gets discarded and when the deck is empty the discards are shuffled to form a new deck, right? And the destroyed system marker is not a limited component, is it?

You aren't limited to blowing up 3 planets, though, are you? Once a card is used, it gets discarded and when the deck is empty the discards are shuffled to form a new deck, right? And the destroyed system marker is not a limited component, is it?

The PDF shows the game containing three Destroyed System markers, so yeah. That's likely the limit.

We played with all the rules both times.

You aren't limited to blowing up 3 planets, though, are you? Once a card is used, it gets discarded and when the deck is empty the discards are shuffled to form a new deck, right? And the destroyed system marker is not a limited component, is it?

The PDF shows the game containing three Destroyed System markers, so yeah. That's likely the limit.

Rules Reference under Component Limitations says leaders and attachment rings are the only markers that are limited. All other markers are not limited and to use a suitable substitute if needed. And discarded cards are shuffled to create a new deck.

Rules Reference at the end of the Missions section says that all non-starting mission cards are discarded after use.

So no need to hoard the Superlaser Online cards.

Edited by DyingTickles

Rules Reference under Component Limitations says leaders and attachment rings are the only markers that are limited. All other markers are not limited and to use a suitable substitute if needed. And discarded cards are shuffled to create a new deck.

Rules Reference at the end of the Missions section says that all non-starting mission cards are discarded after use.

So no need to hoard the Superlaser Online cards.

Fair point but with 35 non-starting mission cards and drawing 2 per turn, it's going to be an impressive feat for the game to go long enough to deplete the deck. Unless there's a mechanic that allows you to draw extra, it's impossible. Even with, having a chance to fire the superlaser a 4th time will be a tricky scenario to pull off.

In the 2 games I played. No deck was even close to being gone through.

You can still do missions there. There is nothing in the rulebook that says you cant do missions in destroyed system. Also when system is destroyed is does not affect heroes there. And space battles can still take place there.

Rules Reference Page 7

Do not have loyalty. Cannot be subjugated.

So basically, it's just an area of space with a load of debris.

I would agree that missions that require a specific system, E.g Dagobar can no longer be used.