Faction Banners

By jimjim19681968, in BattleLore

When a scenario states you can place a faction banner on an enemy banner, does he score an additional VP point when he occupies it? (2 VP points, one for banner, one for faction banner)

I understand the original owner of the banner still scores a VP point when a faction banner also occupies the hex.

Many tanks.

Only the owner of the faction banner can score VP from that faction banner.

In other words, an enemy unit occupying a hex with one of your faction banners on it will not score points from your faction banner. But he can still score points from a regular banner in that space.

Only the owner of the faction banner can score VP from that faction banner.

In other words, an enemy unit occupying a hex with one of your faction banners on it will not score points from your faction banner. But he can still score points from a regular banner in that space.

Correct. In addition, a unit occupying a space featuring both a VP banner and a faction specific banner portraying the unit's own faction will score both banners