Custom Hero Board Add-On: Can I share?

By wesg92, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello all,

I created a custom hero board for our group, and I would love to share/post it here for others to use. It would essentially be a Photoshop file or PDF that people could use for printing. It does contain the Descent logo and artwork. I just don't know anything about the rules of sharing such things. Are there any restrictions, or should I be able to post it for others to use?

Just wanting to share a cool add-on to the game that I hope others might enjoy.

If anyone knows the proper procedure for doing so, I'd be very grateful.



I don't suspect there is a problem with the add-on, but if you have concerns (espescially about things like the logo itself) you can send an email to FFG Legal. They are quite good about clarifying what is and is not permissible.