Had the most aggravating session in my campaign so far. Hardly a dice roll came up in my favour. My stormtroopers missed consistently, or if they hit, they generated a ton of threat...then they got hit with a crit that allowed the PC to roll the same attack again, so they all went down like bowling pins; my ISB agent tossed a grenade, which failed, and she got a despair, so a PC grabbed it and tossed it back, nailing her with success, triumph, and enough advantage for Blast; my stormtrooper captain had his Soak temporarily lowered (tons of advantage on a PC hit) so the PC Enforcer was able to spray his teeth like chiclets all across the room; and my Inquisitor...
...most useless of all. Some well placed blaster fire turned off his lightsaber temporarily (I thought, no big deal, there are lots more turns coming), and then he failed every roll after that. After parrying a bunch of blaster fire, the PCs landed a crit (Hamstrung) which prevents his using his free maneuver. I put a 5 in his Willpower, and 3 in Discipline, and he completely failed to Move one of the PCs, getting all blanks on his positive dice, with maximum on the negative dice and all the wrong colour pips.
We had to leave it there for next time, but now he's alone, the PCs are almost completely unscathed, it's a new turn, the Inquisitor goes 3rd and he's Hamstrung.
I've decided they won't take him alive. He still has a grenade, and if it comes to it he's going to pull a "there are worse things than death" speech from the Rebels Inquisitor (my players don't watch the show) and try to take a PC down with him (temporarily of course). I'd really like him to escape down a ventilation shaft, but he then has to get to a hangar (where there is a simultaneous battle going on, also very much in the PC's favour), so I'm not sure if he'll be able to make it.
I guess my players had fun, which is the main thing, but I was hoping the fight would be more consequential.