so we got a gazillion of paper tokens, more and more figures and all that shiny stuff for Descent, but one thing that I am always missing from the old days is: Plastic furniture!
I mean, sure, nostalgia plays a big part when talking about Hero Quest, and a lot of its rules were rather simplistic.
But in terms of presentation Descent is literally too flat.... I miss the atmosphere of a real room. Props like chairs, tables, a real chest and a real altar or sarcophargus standing in the room. It gave the game a more 3D feel, and it triggered the mind's fantasy / immersion.
In addition to that, HeroQuest had narrow tunnels, with a grid width of 1. This was a nice mix up to rooms, felt confined, and blocking was really game play relevant in those areas.
So dear FFG, if you read this: How about an addon with plastic furniture and tiles that have a corridor width of just 1 square!
Would be sooo awesome.
Edited by Dreepa