FFG announces Anima Rulebook

By XIi2, in Anima: Tactics

This is great to finally see!!


I'm...a bit confused. 200 pages?!?

I started playing Anima Tactics in large part because it was a simple and accessible miniatures game, but this sounds like anything but simple and accessible.

Or is that a few pages of rules and a heck of a lot of story and background?

Don't worry, the rules will remain simple. Theres just a ton of backround in the book. There are over 70 characters and each is getting about a pages worth of backround. Not to mention each Organization is getting its own few pages of backround.

Good to know. Thanks!

i had the same thought

Nice. Good to see a bit more refinement in a rulebook instead of a pamphlet.

Just got the book. On the positive side, it is gorgeous, loaded with fluff and large pieces of artwork, and it seems that there's a lot of effort in the rules to make everything as clear as possible (can't say for sure, I have only looked at the background of a few characters so far).

On the negative side though, that has to be the worst translation of a book in English that I ever read. I'm not a native English speaker and I'm sure I still make loads of mistakes, but this is seriously bad. And you don't even need to start reading the actual content. According to the credits, this is a game "developed and writed by Carlos B. Garcia Aparicio". And of course this is far from the only 'typo', every single paragraph I've read so far (and again that's not very many, but they were picked arbitrarily) had some odd grammar, typos, and/or awkward translation.

I'm delighted that the book finally came out, and I hope it starts picking up in the area... But the quality of the translation is a huge disappointment.

Okay, I'm wowed. A book of this quality was worth the wait.

Seriously, aside from the typos (which irk me as well), this book blows anything by Games Workshop, Privateer Press, or even Rackham out of the water. I'm glad they addressed some wonky areas of the game (line of sight was resolved in a silly way before). Having all of the previous documents (even the advantage & plot cards- I wasn't expecting that) in the same place is suck a nice change.

...Now to wait for Fantasy Flight can print up a copy of the Descent Quest Compendium that isn't riddled with errors...