You know if anyone has made a scenario/mission and/or map for the 40K rpg based on this movie?
You know if anyone has made a scenario/mission and/or map for the 40K rpg based on this movie?
I wouldn't be surprised if this movie was actually based off 40K.
If you wanna follow the plot just send a vessel into the warp without its gellar field on
I wouldn't be surprised if this movie was actually based off 40K.
If you wanna follow the plot just send a vessel into the warp without its gellar field on
Not exactly. I want to do the "sequel" where the party finds the remains of the ship. That's why I'm looking for someone good at stating ships since the thing is so small (for 40K standards), ancient (which says alot since this is 40K), and lacks some basic equipment (Gellar Field.).
Don't see any problem with that. You stumble upon a spacehulk, which used to be an experimental interstellar vessel made by humans at the dawn of First Expansion.
Well size wise the Event horizon is 2200 meters long, so that is about the size of a 40K frigate. Just imagine the ship with no armor or weapons, no gellar field and only minimal engines, and crew areas...and the warp engine of course. It was a ship designed solely to test one component so it kinda makes sense. As Chaplain said above, it would not be outside the realm of possibility that you stumble across the drive section ( I want to say they separated it at the end of the movie but i'm not sure). maybe buried at the heart of a massive space hulk, transmitting an almost forgotten distress code. Course something that old and saturated with warp energy would be chock full of archeotech, "heretical" holy texts proving man had older gods than the emperor, and all sort of warp goodies...especially that "stable" warp portal it has lol.
As well as some not so empty sleeper pods
Edited by htsmithium