Can you have 2 scouts on 2 different squares and come time to gather resources can you gather from both squares? A friend of mine was the english and had 4 armies on 4 different sqaures and also 2 scouts on 2 different squares and thought he could harvest 6 production from his city and 6 production from his 4 armies and 2 scouts. I did not see in the rules where only 1 scout gathering is aloud.
Scout gathering
You most certainly can. This is why getting all your scouts out on the board early is key to getting those few extra production hammers and/or trade arrows and/or special resources you need. Just one extra trade can save you a whole turn on research by being the difference between having just enough trade for a tech or being one short.
Don't remember if it's in the rules but we always play 1 scout (army for English) per city
Wow, that makes the British pretty powerful. thanks for answering my question