To the Sea, to the Sea!

By cmabr002, in Rules questions & answers

Can I trigger its effect for my teammates? The only "you/your" is in reference to the discarding cards from hand, but not in reference to the ally being played.

Action : Exhaust To the Sea, to the Sea! and discard X cards from your hand to reduce the cost of the next Noldor ally played this phase by X (to a minimum of 1).

It seems that you can, but just want to confirm. The same goes for O Lorien.

Yeah, this and O Lorien work for anyone on the table. The Dunedain Heir of Valandil doesn't :(

Yeah, this and O Lorien work for anyone on the table. The Dunedain Heir of Valandil doesn't :(

I don't know why, but I've never noticed that they could until now...quite powerful.

I knew about O Lorien but I hadn't noticed that To the Sea! could work across the table until you pointed it out, so thanks for that!

Using O Lorien on another player is understandable, because if you aren't playing a Silvan you might as well give it to someone else. But you'd have to be an amazing teammate if you are willing to discard your cards to let someone else get a discount on their ally.

Edited by Teamjimby

Using O Lorien on another player is understandable, because if you aren't playing a Silvan you might as well give it to someone else. But you'd have to be an amazing teammate if you are willing to discard your cards to let someone else get a discount on their ally.

Most Noldor decks get lots of cards they want to discard anyway! It's a benefit :D

Yeah, my Noldor discard deck is almost always discarding Elven Light, Lords of the Eldar, the events that get stronger copies of that event are in the discard pile, or useless unique copies. It's almost always a no-brainer decision about what to discard.