Given that Descent is getting a companion app which runs the overlord, could MoM get the same treatment or do you think it is more likely for a second edition?
FFG digital integration
I think MoM would work better as a digital game and not a board game + app.
Similar to how elder sign and elder sign omens work.
I think a similar app for MoM would be great! While a app game is nice solo, with a group of players huddled around the great looking tiles and miniatures, it would be awesome to have an app run the Keeper and let all players cooperatively play investigators. It could offer the puzzles on the app and track them that way since that's a solo effort, also handle setup and reveal cards as the game unfolds. It wouldn't take a very complicated AI, I think.
I hope FFG does it.
I think this is a really cool idea. An app would make setup really fast too because the app would just generate what items are in what room. So you would essentially just click a button that says you are searching the Study, and it would tell you what you find. That's pretty cool. I personally like physically holding the cards too, but the app is highly possible from what I see. Even just some simple programming would probably work for an initial release.