What direction would you like to see the game take next?

By player1671589, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I have just recently gotten this game and have to say its one of the most diverse well thought out products to date. I am most interested by the welcome addition of Road to Legend which gives the game a much well deserved extra dimension beyond the battles as it takes the location action beyond the realms of a standrard dungeon crawler boardgame. What I would like to know is though is what ideas would you other fans like to see added to the game? I personally would love some kind of software that would allow me to play with other FFG fans via the internet (both in Descent and other titles) as where I live it is tough to meet up with others who like to play as I come from a very rural area. Other things I would love to see is 3D board components such as a mountainous terrain or two tier dungeon. What do you guys think?

You will love this game! A while back there was an effort ongoing to create an online version of Descent, undertaken by a company called Battlepawn. However that project fell apart due to "creative differences" between Battlepawn and FFG. Since then, there's been nothing and FFG hasn't indicated any interest in going that direction.

Your mountainous terrain idea is a good one, I like that idea. There have been at least a couple of "multi-tiered" dungeons created already for Road to Legend, maybe more than that. And there has been a quest ("The Aerie of Death") created for base Descent that is available as a Bonus Quest on the Descent support web page.

And a number of dungeons in the base game and its expansions include stairways that provide access to upper or lower dungeon levels. I'm not sure if that's what you mean, or not... Maybe not.

Just to clarify, the "multi-tiered" dungeons Schmiegel is referring to are 2D maps that denote certain parts as being "higher ground" and incorporate rules for what happens if you attack up or down across the line. I think the OP meant actual 3D board components that raised part of the dungeon up, akin to heroscape. I don't think I'd like that myself. As awesome as it would look on the table, it would also be a pain to pack up afterward. This game is already trouble to put away neatly without the added difficulty of 3D tiles.

As far as what I'd like to see in the game, I think an urban expansion that gave us city tiles would be the last thing, now that Sea of Blood has given us extensive water-based rules.

A "town-based" expansion would be great, as it would also add some human enemies. Except for the sorcerers and dark priests (and perhaps the deep elf), there seem to be no human evils in Terninoth. It would be nice to have some witches, dark knights, thieves or robbers.

I think we can all agree on a small "card-only" expansion....something that gives new skills, new items, new content for RtL and the like.

Jonny WS said:

I think we can all agree on a small "card-only" expansion....something that gives new skills, new items, new content for RtL and the like.

With Sea of Blood we can see that FFG is keeping with their philosophy of only expanding the base game. They seem to be reluctant to expand an expansion. Although I can see the business reason for this, it is disappointing. I personally don't think we will ever see a small expansion pack for either RtL or SoB.

edroz said:

Jonny WS said:

I think we can all agree on a small "card-only" expansion....something that gives new skills, new items, new content for RtL and the like.

With Sea of Blood we can see that FFG is keeping with their philosophy of only expanding the base game. They seem to be reluctant to expand an expansion. Although I can see the business reason for this, it is disappointing. I personally don't think we will ever see a small expansion pack for either RtL or SoB.

I hate the fact that you are probably right. So much potential unused...

I'd love to see a card-only expansion to RtL/SoB. I think the big-box expansion to an expansion is probably a bad idea, but I could see card expansions being quite doable. Hear that FFG?!? Give us an RtL expansion! ;)

Having said that, I'd love to see a vanilla expansion that had a lot of sea-based monsters, something that would fit nicely with Sea of Blood, but also be a stand-alone expansion...


Yes FFG! Give us expansions for our expansions!!
This is all we talk about on your forums. Please listen corazon.gif

I think we need to look at things from a logical standpoint. With Sea of Blood, we will have avatars for all the base games monsters, so any future campaign expansion would either have to repeat some of those types of avatars (beastmen, skeleton, dragon, etc) or make use of the other monsters in the game (ferrox, golem, medusa) But since FFG doesn't like to expand on expansions we may never see those avatars :(

There will be no problem doing another basic expansion, but a campaign...might be a lot to ask for.

Also, if they did do a small box expansion with cards only...and they did include some of the avatars...because the Road to Legend and Sea of Blood campaign modes are not compatible, there would be another issue of which one they would go with. All the avatars have a specific location for their keep printed on the card.

The only way around this is to make a giant box of stuff, that includes all the current expansions and include new content....but, since something like that would be a nightmare to put together and would cost a silly amount of money, I don't think that would happen...lol

A "cards-only" expansion would be perfectly fine. Some new rumors, dungeon levels and encounters, 2 new plots playable in both RtL and SoB (what happened to the ice-based plot that was promised here anyway), new avatar and group upgrades, skills, treasures, town items, 6 new heroes, 2 new monsters (OK, the last two would lead beyond "cards-only") and some new quests for existing expansions (playtested, please) would not take many resources and a lot of people would go for that.

Jonny WS said:

The only way around this is to make a giant box of stuff, that includes all the current expansions and include new content....but, since something like that would be a nightmare to put together and would cost a silly amount of money, I don't think that would happen...lol

What you speak of will one day be known as Descent Second Edition. It probably won't include everything released to date, but at the very least I would expect it to include rules for one-shot dungeons and a campaign. The first couple of expansions would catch us up on whatever was left out of the base box.

When will this happen? No idea. They seem to be going pretty strong with new material for 1e right now, so 2e probably won't hit until that's slowed down to a trickle. Will it happen? Absolutely. Someday. Barring some unforeseen disaster like FFG going out of business, of course. Knock on wood. Frankly I wouldn't mind it happening sooner rather than later just to get a newly compiled and (hopefully) consistent rulebook.

As far as new campaign expansions, I fully expect to see a desert themed expansion using the Al-Kalim map in due time. What they'll do for new avatars I don't know. You have a point about the fact that they probably won't make avatars for expansion monsters because that would then require more than just the base game, but they might start making desert-themed "repeats" of base monsters. Or they might make entirely new avatars not based on any existing monsters and provide tokens and/or minis like the LTs.

It would be awesome to see all those fantastic props of RtL used in real dungeons (sarcophagus, circle of power, mushroom, etc, etc). There is so much potential there, and all those tiles just don't get used. Or a dungeon which features both inside and outside areas. Are those connection tiles even used in RtL?

nachti said:

It would be awesome to see all those fantastic props of RtL used in real dungeons (sarcophagus, circle of power, mushroom, etc, etc). There is so much potential there, and all those tiles just don't get used. Or a dungeon which features both inside and outside areas. Are those connection tiles even used in RtL?

As I recall there weren't any connection tiles in RtL. Those were brought in with Tomb of Ice. I haven't actually played vanilla with Tomb of Ice yet, but I don't recall the connectors being used in the two (or three?) campaign dungeon cards they included.

I was of the impression the the Compendium book they released would have a number of dungeons that incorporated bits from all expansions to date (everything but Sea of Blood at the time), but I haven't had a chance to pick that book up yet so I don't know how well they succeeded at that goal.

Ah, right. Well, it would be cool to use those sometime. And no, they did not use the RtL props in the Quest Compendium, not even once. But looking at it, I realize that The Siege of Tamalir (KW's dungeon) features one of those connection tiles!

Would it be safe to assume that Kevin Wilson's dungeon is NOT one of the broken ones..? I'm looking for a starting point in the Compendium where I won't run into one of the broken quests, as we wait for the FAQ, or whatever is (hopefully) coming.

Regarding KW's dungeon, the colored doors obviously are not rune-locked doors (as there are no runekeys and there are many colored doors). Why they are colored, I do not know. Plus the area flavor texts do not fit, I think it's something like this: The text for area 1 belongs to area 2, the text for area 2 belongs to area 3, and so on, but I'm not sure. Read them before playing to make sure you read the appropriate text for the appropriate area. Other than that I think it's fine.

Look about the 3d thing, i bought this molds for descent and they are really really good, and u can play with the 3d aspect of descent.. And its way faster to set up the dungeon lvl that with the original pieces.
