Manticore Venom on opponent's

By Ikaros, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion


Manticore Venom ( CCG Iron Throne edition ) is an attachment that says:

While attached character has a Military and a Intrigue icon, it gains the text:

"If you win a challenge in which this character attacked alone, instead of the normal claim effetcs, choose and kill a character controlled by the losing opponent. Then, discard Manticore Venom from play (cannot be saved)."

If Adam plays Manticore Venom on a character controlled by Bart and Bart attacks Carl, is Bart able to use Manticore Venom's ability?

I know the controller of the attachment remains Adam, so normally "if you win" would be referred to Adam, but in this case does the "attached character gains the text" part transfer the subject to the controller of the character?

Thank you.

Since the replacement effect that is resolving is the gained-text character ability, not the attachment, it doesn't matter who owns the attachment. Only the character. Resolve the text as if it were on the character - because it is.

Thank you! We did so, luckily :)