few questions about the rules

By michael150583, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

hello there! i have a few questions again and thanks for your help and opinions .I start with the questions:

1.heroes can move,attack and attack again ? move attack and with what left from their moves,move and attack again?

2.about visibility, when i have archers or wizards behind a big monster in a route (width 2 blocks) can they fight with bows from far or the heroes are not visble because of the big monster?

3.when an overlord takes control of a heroe can he move him and attack ? or only attack?

4.and what about that special card of heroes , converting two attacks to three attacks?

thanks a lot for your time and sorry for my bad english description

michael150583 said:

hello there! i have a few questions again and thanks for your help and opinions .I start with the questions:

1.heroes can move,attack and attack again ? move attack and with what left from their moves,move and attack again?

2.about visibility, when i have archers or wizards behind a big monster in a route (width 2 blocks) can they fight with bows from far or the heroes are not visble because of the big monster?

3.when an overlord takes control of a heroe can he move him and attack ? or only attack?

4.and what about that special card of heroes , converting two attacks to three attacks?

thanks a lot for your time and sorry for my bad english description

1. Yes. So can monsters. THere is no natural restriction in dividing movement or attacks but just to be extra clear both are specifically addressed.
DJitD pg8
An advancing hero may make his attack before, after, or at any point during his movement.
DJitD pg9
Just like an advancing hero, a monster may make its attack before, after, or at any point during its movement.

2. Your question is not clear sorry. Can they fight who with bows? The monster doesn't block itself, but heroes LOS can be blocked by another hero preventing them form attacking the monster.
Figures (even friendly ones) block visibility, but not to themselves.
DJitD pg10
Line of sight is blocked by walls, closed doors, other figures, and blocking obstacles. Thus you cannot, for instance, shoot directly through one monster to hit another monster behind it.

3. If you are referring to Dark Charm the text of the card allows the hero to make an attack. KIt does not allow anything else (no movement for example). For further clarification FAQ pg5
Q: When the overlord is controlling a hero through “Dark Charm,” who decides how to spend the surges and power dice? Can the overlord move the character and attack, or just make a single attack without moving?
A: The overlord controls the hero for that attack, including the hero’s use of surges and power dice. The overlord may also play cards such as “Aim” with the attack. However, the overlord player cannot move the character, or force the hero to spend fatigue to add to the attack. The hero no longer benefits from any heroes with Command, but does receive a bonus from any of the Overlord's figures with command.

4. Knight? What about it?
Important clarification is case you are making a typical beginner error.
Each turn heroes must declare one of the 4 orders (Advance, Battle, Ready, Run). All those orders do is give you some combination of a) attacks, b)Movement Points (MP) and c) ability to place an order. You are not restricted in any way how or when you choose to spend these things during your Action. Thus you can spend MP before and/or after an attack. You are also not prevented from gaining additional attacks, MP or order placing abilities from other sources (eg, extr MP from fatigue or items, extra attacks from skills).
This means, for example, that if you declare a battle you gain 2 attacks, 0 MP and 0 order placements. But you can still spend fatigue to move, then attack, then more fatigue to move again then attack again then more fatigue to move again if you wish.
Some skills may be activated when declaring an order. They generally give you some bonus (eg an extra attack when Advancing from Able Warrior) and usually have a cost to pay too.
What Knight allows you to do is gain 3 attacks instead of 2 when declaring a battle, + gain MP = half your speed (instead of 0), if you pay the cost of 2 fatigue when you declare your Battle action.

michael150583 said:

hello there! i have a few questions again and thanks for your help and opinions .I start with the questions:

1.heroes can move,attack and attack again ? move attack and with what left from their moves,move and attack again?

Regarding question 1. I think Corbon missed something or we're interpreting it differently.

Michael150583 your questions says can a Hero move, attach and attack again. Well sort of and maybe lengua.gif

A Hero who has 4 movement can moves two spaces, then attack something and then finishes their move phase by moving another two spaces; for a total of 4 spaces moved. Two spaces moved before his attack and two after. In fact the attack can happen at any time before the move, during or after.
However, about this 2nd attack you mention... Any combination of 1 movement phase and 2 attacks can only happen if the Hero has an ability that would allow them to attach a second time.
Aside from any extra ability the only way a Hero can attack twice in a turn is if they chose to Battle to attack twice. Taking the Battle option allows them to attach twice but they can NOT move. If they want to move and attack they have to chose the Advance option which allow 1 movement phase and 1 attack. After this they can NOT attack a 2nd time.

So you were almost right. A Hero can move then attack and the with what's left from their movement, move again... but they cannot attack again. Not unless they have an ability or feat or something above and beyond that would allow this.

I hope that made sense happy.gif

Hein99 said:

Taking the Battle option allows them to attach twice but they can NOT move.

Except by spending fatigue. Or through a card that gives them movement, such as the Ring of Quickness or the Knight skill.

Antistone said:

Hein99 said:

Taking the Battle option allows them to attach twice but they can NOT move.

Except by spending fatigue. Or through a card that gives them movement, such as the Ring of Quickness or the Knight skill.

Yes, good point!
I was trying to explain the base/core rules for a players turn ignoring all external things that might affect these basic actions in an effort to keep things clear.
But you're right I should have mentioned spending fatigue for added movement or adding power dice when attacking. That definately qualifies as base/core actions any player can do.

" Spending Fatigue " Page 17 and 18.

THANK YOU ALL MATTERS ALL SOLVED, except one last thing we had an OL who created all the time creatures in a room behind other creatures because there was no visibility.....how many times he can do that? I know the limit once per turn, but can he do it once each time to create creatures ?

Other creatures do not block line of sight ("visibility") for spawning ("creating") purposes, so if there was no door to block and if the heros could see the spawn spaces (ignoring the other creatures) then the OL wouldn´t be allowed to spawn there.

Otherwise he may do so once every turn with no other limit (he has to have to proper cards and the threat to play them, of course).

This is a major part of the players task: to minimise the number of spaces the OL can spawn in by arranging themselves in a clever way.

Also take note that the overlord can't spawn in unrevealed areas (rooms that the heroes haven't opened yet), and monsters cannot open doors to unrevealed areas. So, for example, until the heroes open a door, they only have to worry about the starting areait's like the other parts of the map don't even exist.