Curse of the Monkey God query from a Noobish Player

By slaphead6, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

If I've Curse of the Monkey Godded a Hero (and why wouldn't I?) and kill him/her. When they go back to the town do they retain the Monkey marker or revert to their original character? I can see that you could do it either way, however if they stay as a Monkey they can't return to the dungeon as they are unable to use transport glyphs in which case they simply wait out the duration of the curse in town and return later. Can anyone provide ome clarification on this or point me to the relevant part of the rules/FAQs please.

thanks in anticipation.

slaphead6 said:

If I've Curse of the Monkey Godded a Hero (and why wouldn't I?) and kill him/her. When they go back to the town do they retain the Monkey marker or revert to their original character? I can see that you could do it either way, however if they stay as a Monkey they can't return to the dungeon as they are unable to use transport glyphs in which case they simply wait out the duration of the curse in town and return later. Can anyone provide ome clarification on this or point me to the relevant part of the rules/FAQs please.

thanks in anticipation.

DJitD pg 18
Dead Heroes
A hero who has died is returned to the town and loses half his money (round down to the nearest 25 coins). The hero’s wounds and fatigue are immediately restored to their maximum values. In addition, any lingering effects (such as burning, webs, poison, or transformation into a monkey ) are immediately removed . During the next round, the hero takes his turn as normal.

Thanks for the pointer - this was how we played it anyway as sitting around in town as a monkey didn't seem to make a lot of sense for the flow of the game as it meant the heroes would be a man down for a turn or two which since they were relatively new to the game would have been a little bit harsh for them.