Illegal Deck ProcedureIf an illegal card is discovered in a player’s deck during atournament, that player immediately forfeits the game in whichthe card was discovered. The opponent in the round in which theillegal deck is discovered is credited with a full win. The playermay drop from the tournament, or continue to play. If continuing,the player must turn each offending card around in its sleeve(this cannot be done while playing with transparent sleeves)and play with what are considered blank cards for the rest of thetournament. Results from previous rounds are not modified.Blank cards from a player’s draw deck cannot be deployed, putinto play, or used to pay costs. Card abilities that move themfrom a player’s hand or deck to other out of play areas may stillinteract with the blank cards.Examples of illegal decks include (but are not limited to): A loyalcard in the wrong faction; a signature card that does not matchthe warlord; a card that breaks the alignment wheel possibilities;too many copies of a card.
Does this mean that once bloodied, all space marine cards in a gorzod deck are now treated as blank, since they are illegal?