How about a new point system?

By Grimwaldo, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

Some people are talking about new tournament rules that may be coming out with wave 3 and this got me thinking. What about a new point system for ships and squadrons?

I am not trying to reinvent the wheel just make a so hear me out. Instead of having 1/3 of your points that could be squadrons why not just make it in addition to? For example if you have a 300 point list you could also take in addition to 100 points just in squadrons. This would make it a total of 400 pts. 300 points dedicated to just ships and 100 points just to squadrons.

The current 400 point build would be 400 points to ships and 120 points to squadrons.

The reason that I bring this up is that in my local area almost no-one is bringing lists with a whole lot of squadrons,it mostly just consists of ships and if one can squeeze in a squad or two they are thrown in as an after thought. I myself may take only a few squadrons as a screen against bombers (see rymer balls).I have no idea,if no squadron builds are the case where everyone plays however,I would like to see a lot more builds that include squadrons.

So let me know what you think good or bad. For me I want to see lots of dynamic squadron action than I do now. I really do think that this was how this game was meant to be played.

Edited by Grimwaldo

Changing the point system is rather fundamental to the game, that ship costs 39 points had better keep costing 39 points.

I would like to see a lot more builds that include squadrons.

Then change your meta, I am happy with the one I have.

It's easy enough to do, just take squadrons 120-134 points and play. :D


Take Rhymer.
Take Dengar.
Take a BUNCH of Squadrons.

Stomp The Hell Out of Everyone .

They'll learn to take more Squadrons.

Some people are talking about new tournament rules that may be coming out with wave 3 and this got me thinking. What about a new point system for ships and squadrons?

I am not trying to reinvent the wheel just make a so hear me out. Instead of having 1/3 of your points that could be squadrons why not just make it in addition to? For example if you have a 300 point list you could also take in addition to 100 points just in squadrons. This would make it a total of 400 pts. 300 points dedicated to just ships and 100 points just to squadrons.

The current 400 point build would be 400 points to ships and 120 points to squadrons.

The reason that I bring this up is that in my local area almost no-one is bringing lists with a whole lot of squadrons,it mostly just consists of ships and if one can squeeze in a squad or two they are thrown in as an after thought. I myself may take only a few squadrons as a screen against bombers (see rymer balls).I have no idea,if no squadron builds are the case where everyone plays however,I would like to see a lot more builds that include squadrons.

So let me know what you think good or bad. For me I want to see lots of dynamic squadron action than I do now. I really do think that this was how this game was meant to be played.

I recommended something very similar when I started playing back in wave one and zero-squadron builds were very common. I came to see the error of my ways. Nowadays, Intel bomber blobs will absolutely wreck fleets that aren't prepared for them and squadrons are a very viable choice. It just takes a lot of practice to both use squadrons well as well as build fleets that utilize squadrons well.

I know that it would change the Meta that is part of the point. I have come across squadrons that have Intel and merely ignore them and smash the capital ships that are carriers. Squadrons with out the ships to command them are pretty weak. Rymer balls with fire-sprays are another matter however I have never seen a build with more than 2 fire-sprays. Again a decent Akbar build can merely out-range a good carrier fleet IMO. Also with a ship heavy build I don't care about my opponent having squadrons with intel and will proceed to destroy his squads with anti squadron fire as it is fairly indiscriminate and I can hit all squadrons in one arc sometimes, if placed right, double arc for twice the fun.

I want to see more squadrons on the field however, in our neck of the woods we just do not see the need to buy squadrons when ships are much more effective. Maybe with the upcoming wave I will be proven wrong. Heck hope squadrons will make a huge impact on the meta.

But as it stands I just don't see it.

So if you know a list or combination of squadrons that is super effective I would love to hear all sides.

This build will work best if your meta has no Squadrons, it will quickly change that, so you then need to drop a few bombers and take say Flight Controllers and Tie Fighters. After that you are on your own.

Faction: Galactic Empire
Points: 391/400

Commander: Admiral Motti

[ flagship ] Victory I-Class Star Destroyer (73 points)
- Admiral Motti ( 24 points)
- Expanded Hangar Bay ( 5 points)

Victory I-Class Star Destroyer (73 points)
- Expanded Hangar Bay ( 5 points)

Victory I-Class Star Destroyer (73 points)
- Expanded Hangar Bay ( 5 points)

13 TIE Bomber Squadrons ( 117 points)
1 Major Rhymer ( 16 points)


Take Rhymer.

Take Dengar.

Take a BUNCH of Squadrons.

Stomp The Hell Out of Everyone .

They'll learn to take more Squadrons.

^^ Agreed!!!


Take Rhymer.

Take Dengar.

Take a BUNCH of Squadrons.

Stomp The Hell Out of Everyone .

They'll learn to take more Squadrons.

^^ Agreed!!!



Take Rhymer.

Take Dengar.

Take a BUNCH of Squadrons.

Stomp The Hell Out of Everyone .

They'll learn to take more Squadrons.

^^ Agreed!!!



Take Rhymer.

Take Dengar.

Take a BUNCH of Squadrons.

Stomp The Hell Out of Everyone .

They'll learn to take more Squadrons.

^^ Agreed!!!


Lol, thanks, I chuckled rather hard at this for about 10 minutes due to the layers of irony from your actual response :)

Well, considering that off topic has gotten, what, no more than a dozen new posts this year>? :D

Hey all; I don't know if it can happen, but I'm sure in your camp on this one. Having squadrons in addition to the build points could sure allow a lot more units in a battle, and not have to result in ships "upgraded to the hilt" either, due to so many upgrade choices now.

Take care, Steiner