Simple question: If you were making a character that was born and raised on the rogue traders vessel, then was promoted to the level of the PCs, what origin path would you pick ?
Question - Born on the RT vessel.
Logically, anything starting from Void Born?
Voidborn. Obviously the benifits of being born on the RT vessel would be slightly better then a different vessel or space station that might not even come up in game play.
IMO, it's going to depend on how the kid is raised.
If he's treated like royalty and taken off ship for every social function, then Noble Born might fit. If he spends his entire time in the Enginarium surrounded by the Tech-Priests, then Forge World is a viable option. If the child is banished to the lower decks and grows up with a feral mutant pack in the bowels of the starship, then Death World might work. If none of these (or other) exceptional circumstances fit, then the character should probably go with Void Born.
As for Birthright, we once again have a number of options, but I do feel that the book could have used a few more here, especially for some of the Careers where the given results are less than ideal fits (such as Astropath Transcendent, Explorator, and Navigator).
HappyDaze said:
IMO, it's going to depend on how the kid is raised.
If he's treated like royalty and taken off ship for every social function, then Noble Born might fit. If he spends his entire time in the Enginarium surrounded by the Tech-Priests, then Forge World is a viable option. If the child is banished to the lower decks and grows up with a feral mutant pack in the bowels of the starship, then Death World might work. If none of these (or other) exceptional circumstances fit, then the character should probably go with Void Born.
Agreed. Don't see a good reason to restrict yourself to just Void Born, although it would be more common than most. An exceptionally devout ship (temple-shrine, lots of creed objectives in the dynastic history, characters with Peer (Ecclesiarchy), etc) might even produce some crew who are mechanically identical to an Imperial World upbringing.
Which lure of the void would you pick ?
For most characters, the lure is the thing that caused them to leave home. But the character born on the ship has never left home.
As for non-void born characters, some of the void-born traits seem unavoidable.
- Charmed - seems to be a result of warp travel at a young age, unless luck has a genetic component.
- Ill-omened - This comes from dirtsiders attitudes towards void-born.
- Void accustomed - This could be avoided if the parents spend a lot of effort to keep their child from learning it. But why would they ?
As for non-void born characters, some of the void-born traits seem unavoidable.
Not if you've got no problems explaining some stuff differently.
- Charmed - seems to be a result of warp travel at a young age, unless luck has a genetic component.
Well, we all know how predictable warp travel is, don't we?
- Ill-omened - This comes from dirtsiders attitudes towards void-born.
Maybe the character stems from a social group not easily-identifiable as voidborn. If his parents were dirtsiders, the strange voider-looks might not be that pronounced.
- Void accustomed - This could be avoided if the parents spend a lot of effort to keep their child from learning it. But why would they ?
Void-accustomed is mainly about ignoring less-than-ideal conditions on a void ship. Assuming the Noble Born origin, he might well have resided mainly in the captain's quarters and the bridge, probably the regions of the ship with the best-functioning grav-plates. No exposure to zero-g environments -> no adaption.
Growing up in opulence is Vaunted , Noble Born is exactly that; one of the proportionally tiny number of individuals who comes from a line of nobility. It's hard to see how you can possibly be born on a voidship and need to be 'promoted' to the level of a PC if you're actually a noble. Of course, imagination trumps rules-lawyering everytime but what you're proposing is Void Born -> Vaunted -> .... really.