The Weirdness of Wave 3 and what it may mean

By ficklegreendice, in Star Wars: Armada

True, one huge practical difference between flotillas and squadrons is that you can't just fly through a flotilla.

As I mentioned in one of the other ERMAGERD WAVE THREE threads, if Demolisher wants to spend two of its attacks wiping out a 15-30 (assumed, I'm expecting in the 20s) point flotilla, that's an extremely good return on investment in my book.

With flotillas using zero Redirect tokens (but the Scatter token is a welcome surprise) I also expect XI7s and Heavy Turbolaser Turrets to be less useful. Neither of those upgrades do anything against flotillas. Sure, flotillas are fragile, but at long range you're still going to need 2-3 attacks from most things to down them, particularly if you can't lock down the Scatter. That's also a great return on investment in my book.

H9's could get a bit more love though.

As I mentioned in one of the other ERMAGERD WAVE THREE threads, if Demolisher wants to spend two of its attacks wiping out a 15-30 (assumed, I'm expecting in the 20s) point flotilla, that's an extremely good return on investment in my book.

With flotillas using zero Redirect tokens (but the Scatter token is a welcome surprise) I also expect XI7s and Heavy Turbolaser Turrets to be less useful. Neither of those upgrades do anything against flotillas. Sure, flotillas are fragile, but at long range you're still going to need 2-3 attacks from most things to down them, particularly if you can't lock down the Scatter. That's also a great return on investment in my book.

H9's could get a bit more love though.

Potentially, yes! That would be an interesting development to say the least.

I'd think Home One would see its stock increased but it's hard to say exactly what the effect would be in the long run.

This means that we are going to buy 10 of these ;/) after wave 8 some of us might not be broke this year.....

Nope FFG will bring out an epic ship for Armada at Gencon

Well, they did lead with "bigger battles"... :D

I'm looking at this expansion as a means to make squadrons really fun

Yeah cheap ships with squadron 2 will open up a lot of options. (When we see the upgrade bar it may open up even more).

EDIT - I think (will have to wait and see) that "flotilla" is the same classification as "small", "medium" and "large" ie its still a ship but a new size class and Motti for example wouldn't work.

EDIT Again - with only one scatter and one evade, these things are dead very quickly! Potentially we may see more H9s or sensor teams, but anything with blue dice will almost certainly wipe them out.

Edited by Ophion

The only thing that bothers me about these flotillas is that I don't have them NOW! I can't wait to see how they'll fit into fleet builds.

When is Ard going to try out a 17 flotilla mon mothma Cr90 build?

How does one kill all those pin needles before being destroyed? 2 ISD just wont be able to fire fast enough.....

you kill 2 a turn with an ISD, no question (bar ungodly horrible dice rolls)

a fireball should pop one per activation, assuming 3 sprays

Home One Akbar will probably have the easiest time going through them quickly

the biggest thing, though, is that these guys have garbage offense and present no threat even when spammed. They'll have to be combined with other ships/squadrons to be able to kill even the measliest tie fighter

' you kill 2 a turn with an ISD, no question (bar ungodly horrible dice rolls)"

If I've put them in your ISD's front arcs and you've got nothing better to shoot at, I deserve to lose 2 a turn.

" a fireball should pop one per activation, assuming 3 sprays"

And assuming it's unsupported with no defense.

" Home One Akbar will probably have the easiest time going through them quickly"

This is absolutely true.

The trick is to not make them juicy targets for your opponents. Make them choose- want to get some damage on my heavy hitter, or take the gamble and hope you get an accuracy to blast my Flotilla?

I am going to say Clon is right and those adorable flotillas are a new ship class, therefore no Motti.

On an unrelated note I keep trying to find a rule to allow Ackbar and those baby whales...

On an unrelated note I keep trying to find a rule to allow Ackbar and those baby whales...

Given we've only seen one of the two Transport stats, it is possible that the other has battery dice on the side arcs.

I should note that I'm very skeptical of that, though. The only other way would be a Turbolaser slot and using Enhanced Armament (as that improves the base battery stats), but I'm extremely doubtful that Transports would get a Turbolaser upgrade slot, or any weapon upgrade slots at all. Even if they did, assuming they're 20-25ish points, you're spending 30-35 points total for one red dice on the sides which becomes 3 with Ackbar. Might as well cough up some more points to use CR90As and have a real ship (with Turbolaser Reroutes perhaps) while you're at it.

The GR75 is a shouldn't be armed with anything other than blue dice at best...and one per arc.

The Gonzo maybe a tid bit more...

I think FFG is a solid company that knows how to break their own game...and I'm pretty sure on their dry erase board of "how to break this" Ackbar is in big bold black letters underlined five times.

I love this

Of course FFG reserves the right to change every single detail until the expansions start shipping (and even then...), so like we have seen before - what they tease may change.

Having said that ...

Squadron 2 and command 1 means significant squadron activations for low cost (although we don't know if flotillas have the speed to stay with faster bombers or the capability for boosted comms to activate from range)

The deployment and activation implications and possibility of positioning screening flotillas to make classic Demolisher attacks harder to pull off. I think these are an interesting response to small ship activation spam especially with repair crews removing crits and keeping ships alive longer.

Edited by OgRib

I am going to say Clon is right and those adorable flotillas are a new ship class, therefore no Motti.

On an unrelated note I keep trying to find a rule to allow Ackbar and those baby whales...

What are you basing that on? The idea that it's not a ship? or the idea that it's not a small ship? Or both?

Is the Nebulon B not a small ship because its a frigate (and a frigate is a different type of ship than a corvette)

Is the CR90 not a small ship because it has a defensive retrofit, making it a different type of ship than Gladiators, Raiders and Nebulons?

Is the Gladiator not a small ship because it's a Star Destroyer, and thus a different type of ship than corvettes or frigates?

Are the MC30's not small ships, because, after all, they have 3 shields on their port and starboard hull zones, which is different from any other small ship ?

my point here is that so far, all we know, is that "Flotilla" is a descriptor, an attribute, like any other, whether its speed, command rating, shield strength, hull rating, etc., and it's only property is how it affects overlaps/collisions. Anything else is purely speculative.

Edited by Rocmistro

no side dice means no Akbar attack

I am going to say Clon is right and those adorable flotillas are a new ship class, therefore no Motti.

On an unrelated note I keep trying to find a rule to allow Ackbar and those baby whales...

What are you basing that on? The idea that it's not a ship? or the idea that it's not a small ship? Or both?

It's speculation only. It is conceivable that flotillas will be on a base size smaller than the current small ships but for now we just don't know. If that was so, I imagine it would be a "tiny" base size, which means anything that references base size (like Motti) wouldn't work on it at all.

My gut feeling is flotillas will be on small bases and work just like a small based ship, with the addition of the "don't ram me, bro" flotilla rules. We'll have to wait and see to know for sure though.

IMO, Motti affects floatillas.

Also, the only way the GR-7's are going to be using ackbar is if they have a turbolaser upgrade for some reason. Then you can toss exp arms on them and create a side battery. Otherwise, unless something as of yet unspoiled will help, no dice.

To be fair, even if they were 20pts each and you slapped Enhanced Armament on them all; you would still only get 12 with Akbar as your admiral.

I say 'Only 12' but i'm fairly sure i could shoot down that quantity of garbage and whether the return.

I mean what are they going to do, conga line?

IMO, Motti affects floatillas.

Also, the only way the GR-7's are going to be using ackbar is if they have a turbolaser upgrade for some reason. Then you can toss exp arms on them and create a side battery. Otherwise, unless something as of yet unspoiled will help, no dice.

This is a bit like mounting port and starboard 20mm vulcan cannons on a Ford Transit Minivan, I think :-)

To be fair, even if they were 20pts each and you slapped Enhanced Armament on them all; you would still only get 12 with Akbar as your admiral.

I say 'Only 12' but i'm fairly sure i could shoot down that quantity of garbage and whether the return.

I mean what are they going to do, conga line?


I hear "conga line of flotillas" and this is all I see. The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot 2: Back to the Future.

To be fair, even if they were 20pts each and you slapped Enhanced Armament on them all; you would still only get 12 with Akbar as your admiral.

I say 'Only 12' but i'm fairly sure i could shoot down that quantity of garbage and whether the return.

I mean what are they going to do, conga line?

I was thinking more for support fire than actual swarm. Regardless, I would use them as engineers or squadron commanders on the field or for activation superiority well away from combat.