The Weirdness of Wave 3 and what it may mean

By ficklegreendice, in Star Wars: Armada

"Flotillas follow the same rules as other ships with one exception"Motti will still work.

if they are a "small ship" if they are their own class "flotilla" motti doesn't effect them. Basically they could be a 4th ship type

It reads as follows:

The flotilla enters Wave III as an all-new type of ship . Flotillas operate in most ways the same as larger ships , but because they represent multiple, smaller ships, flotillas feature two plastic ship models, instead of one. Apart from this difference, they follow the same rules as other ships, with one exception —when a flotilla would overlap or be overlapped by another ship, only the flotilla takes a facedown damage card. You do not deal a facedown damage card to the closest ship the flotilla overlapped unless that ship is also a flotilla.

So, what are you basing your contrary opinion on?

Honestly, they could be basing the contrary opinion on the track record of xwing articles being correct lol's a ship, based on it's own definition. Furthermore, you can tell it's a small ship based on the shield dial protrusion size to length (or width) ratio shown in the picture.

Currently defined, the fact that it's a ship and on a small sized base, means that it is, in fact, a small ship.

Thus, with all the information that has currently been revealed, whatever else it may have, be modified or described by, it is also a small ship. Thus it's +1 hull through Motti.

That may change, of course, as more information becomes available. But with what we have right now, it's a Motti-fiable (hehe, you like that?) small ship.

our information is that there are currently three classes ship as defined by their base size. Flotilla a explicitly states it is a NEW TYPE OF SHIP distinguished by haveing 2 ships on 1 base making it different then small ships as defined by the RRG

I understand that, Clon. But "new type of ship" doesn't mean anything in the context of defining (either expanding or limiting) it's status as a ship, or it's size. The language of "a new type of ship" can mean tons of different things, none of which deny it access to Motti's bonus. It might be "a new type of ship" because:

-it doesn't have a rear battery dice pool (for the gozanti)

-it doesn't have side battery dice pool (for the GR75)

-it only has 3 hull

-its cost is closer to squadrons than other ships.

more than likely though, it's because

-when it overlaps another ship, it is dealt 1 facedown damage card, but the other ship is not dealt a facedown damage card (unless it's also a flotilla)

That last point is it. That's the only currently differential language/rule about a flotilla. (or at least, it's all we currently know about)

Is it a ship? yes.

Is it small ship? yes. (why? because it's on a small base)

Thus, whatever else it is, it's a small ship. (until or unless something comes out saying it's not).

Edited by Rocmistro

I'm really excited to see how these change up the game.

I look forward to running 18 Gozantis and Motti. Too bad they banned ramming to prevent the Rieekan transport swarm.

unfortunately It is likely that motti doesn't affect these since they are "flottilas" and not small ships.

Obviously we don't know enough right now but it is a possibility

on the other hand; small ship base and function.

Cheap ship activations. Take 3 of them and fly them in circles away from the action and you force your opponent to pretty much give you choice of shots. If we can use them to support our fleet, even better!

Cheap ship activations. Take 3 of them and fly them in circles away from the action and you force your opponent to pretty much give you choice of shots. If we can use them to support our fleet, even better!

Here's the thing though. Let's assume they're 25 points each. That's 75 points flying around doing nothing but activating.

I know activation advantage is great, but not that great. I think they're purposefully supposed to be flown WITH your fleet but with severe disadvantages.

One that they will pop like ripe fruit.

Two that if you bump them by accident they're 1/3 down on hull.

Cheap ship activations. Take 3 of them and fly them in circles away from the action and you force your opponent to pretty much give you choice of shots. If we can use them to support our fleet, even better!

Here's the thing though. Let's assume they're 25 points each. That's 75 points flying around doing nothing but activating.

I know activation advantage is great, but not that great. I think they're purposefully supposed to be flown WITH your fleet but with severe disadvantages.

One that they will pop like ripe fruit.

Two that if you bump them by accident they're 1/3 down on hull.

they're nowhere near worth 25

20 for the more expensive variant sounds more likely

Edit: sorry phone posting but from the article:

The flotilla enters Wave III as an all-new type of ship[/

So flotillas are NOT small ships they are FLOTILLAS

So cards that affect "ships" will not affect "flotillas"? So does that me that, for example, the Defiance ship upgrade would not apply against a flotilla? And Leia Organa and Tantive IV would not affect a flotilla?
no flotilla would be a ship but a 4th class of ship so motti wouldn't apply because he specifies small medium or large ship but pretty much everything else would be normal

Here is my (probably wrong) opinion on the matter:

These new ships are small ships with the "Flotilla" label. Motti works to give them four. Dras is right though, it won't matter much on them.

Dras is right though

Can you stop Agreeing with me!? Its Ruining my Lack-of-Credibility! :D

Hmmm. What if we could put 2 CR90s on a medium base? Flotilla Cr90s!

Cheap ship activations. Take 3 of them and fly them in circles away from the action and you force your opponent to pretty much give you choice of shots. If we can use them to support our fleet, even better!

Here's the thing though. Let's assume they're 25 points each. That's 75 points flying around doing nothing but activating.

I know activation advantage is great, but not that great. I think they're purposefully supposed to be flown WITH your fleet but with severe disadvantages.

One that they will pop like ripe fruit.

Two that if you bump them by accident they're 1/3 down on hull.

I can say that activation advantage is THAT GREAT, in my swarm I usually only really use 2-3 ships the other 2 are purely activations

Wave III is OP. Confirmed.


Corvettes somewhat look after themselves as activation wasters. Flotillas however, are just inviting early attacks to break your activation numbers. They may be cheap activations, but cheap activations that need protecting in some way.

Cheap ship activations. Take 3 of them and fly them in circles away from the action and you force your opponent to pretty much give you choice of shots. If we can use them to support our fleet, even better!

Here's the thing though. Let's assume they're 25 points each. That's 75 points flying around doing nothing but activating.

I know activation advantage is great, but not that great. I think they're purposefully supposed to be flown WITH your fleet but with severe disadvantages.

One that they will pop like ripe fruit.

Two that if you bump them by accident they're 1/3 down on hull.

I can say that activation advantage is THAT GREAT, in my swarm I usually only really use 2-3 ships the other 2 are purely activations

I agree. When used effectively, activation control really can make a big difference. In the final match of my Store Championships I played against a Motti ISDII-Intel Officer, Demo-GladII w/Sensor Team, Expanded Launchers, and 2 Raider 1 and buy opponent used the 2 raider 1 ships and initiative to great effect to deny my ISDII / VSD1 / Demo-Glad1 combination opportunity. My only saving grace was wise deployment and movement and admittedly LUCK which enabled my opponent to fly his 180 pt ISDII off the table (whew). After that match I'm considering adding a Raider to my list (to ISDII / Demo-Glad2 / Insidious-Glad1 / Raider 1) just to compete for activations with my opponents.

Edited by WhatsArmadaWithYou

Corvettes somewhat look after themselves as activation wasters. Flotillas however, are just inviting early attacks to break your activation numbers. They may be cheap activations, but cheap activations that need protecting in some way.

Distance is the best protection of all.

Assuming the speed dial in the pictures has any meaning then they can be up to speed 3 (potentially 4) which means that very conservative deployment (back edge, flying away from the opponent) would mean that they'd not be easy or simple to get your hands on them. Plus, with the Scatter, they're easy to remove but not necessarily easy - if you've got 3 Red dice and TRCs, that'll hurt like hell, but you still only have a 33% chance (I think) that you'll get an Accuracy to shut down that Scatter.

So they're fragile, but they're probably not going to explode at the mere sight of a turbolaser.

Corvettes somewhat look after themselves as activation wasters. Flotillas however, are just inviting early attacks to break your activation numbers. They may be cheap activations, but cheap activations that need protecting in some way.

Distance is the best protection of all.

Assuming the speed dial in the pictures has any meaning then they can be up to speed 3 (potentially 4) which means that very conservative deployment (back edge, flying away from the opponent) would mean that they'd not be easy or simple to get your hands on them. Plus, with the Scatter, they're easy to remove but not necessarily easy - if you've got 3 Red dice and TRCs, that'll hurt like hell, but you still only have a 33% chance (I think) that you'll get an Accuracy to shut down that Scatter.

So they're fragile, but they're probably not going to explode at the mere sight of a turbolaser.

Rhymer Balls and Demolisher is going to be the easiest way to get to them fast. Which sucks as Clon is already grinning from ear to ear.

Corvettes somewhat look after themselves as activation wasters. Flotillas however, are just inviting early attacks to break your activation numbers. They may be cheap activations, but cheap activations that need protecting in some way.

Distance is the best protection of all.

Assuming the speed dial in the pictures has any meaning then they can be up to speed 3 (potentially 4) which means that very conservative deployment (back edge, flying away from the opponent) would mean that they'd not be easy or simple to get your hands on them. Plus, with the Scatter, they're easy to remove but not necessarily easy - if you've got 3 Red dice and TRCs, that'll hurt like hell, but you still only have a 33% chance (I think) that you'll get an Accuracy to shut down that Scatter.

So they're fragile, but they're probably not going to explode at the mere sight of a turbolaser.

Rhymer Balls and Demolisher is going to be the easiest way to get to them fast. Which sucks as Clon is already grinning from ear to ear.

Of course, both of these options are considerably larger point investments (presumably). If in taking a floatilla, you wind up overextending with either of these elements, the trade will likely favor your opponent. Also I feel like Demolisher is a poor choice for trying to take something with a Scatter token, unless you are running them with sensor teams.

Demolisher attacks a flotilla after moving at the end of a round, and maybe with a scatter the flotilla lives. Then Demolisher goes first, kills the flotilla, and moves into medium range of an MC80. Maybe the flotilla has served its purpose. :)

Demolisher attacks a flotilla after moving at the end of a round, and maybe with a scatter the flotilla lives. Then Demolisher goes first, kills the flotilla, and moves into medium range of an MC80. Maybe the flotilla has served its purpose. :)

Scatter is refreshed

Demolisher attacks a flotilla after moving at the end of a round, and maybe with a scatter the flotilla lives. Then Demolisher goes first, kills the flotilla, and moves into medium range of an MC80. Maybe the flotilla has served its purpose. :)

Scatter is refreshed

Most Demolishers in this Instance have Intel, so its Gone. That's the point of the build. To - on the first attack - Draw out the "Survival" mechanism,, which is usually a Brace - but would be a Scatter in this instance.

Demolisher attacks a flotilla after moving at the end of a round, and maybe with a scatter the flotilla lives. Then Demolisher goes first, kills the flotilla, and moves into medium range of an MC80. Maybe the flotilla has served its purpose. :)

As giraffe said, scatter would refresh unless there's an intel officer involved. And in that above scenario, the floatilla has certainly served its purpose.

Demolisher attacks a flotilla after moving at the end of a round, and maybe with a scatter the flotilla lives. Then Demolisher goes first, kills the flotilla, and moves into medium range of an MC80. Maybe the flotilla has served its purpose. :)

Oh no the horror of sending those transport ships to their certain doom...

That's what they were doing on Hoth?

Demolisher attacks a flotilla after moving at the end of a round, and maybe with a scatter the flotilla lives. Then Demolisher goes first, kills the flotilla, and moves into medium range of an MC80. Maybe the flotilla has served its purpose. :)

Oh no the horror of sending those transport ships to their certain doom...

That's what they were doing on Hoth?

Demolisher attacks a flotilla after moving at the end of a round, and maybe with a scatter the flotilla lives. Then Demolisher goes first, kills the flotilla, and moves into medium range of an MC80. Maybe the flotilla has served its purpose. :)

As giraffe said, scatter would refresh unless there's an intel officer involved. And in that above scenario, the floatilla has certainly served its purpose.

I was going to mention that but my post started getting more complicated than necessary to make the point. Basically, the point was that you could possibly use the flotilla as bait.

I love that small changes in this game add many layers of strategy. We haven't even seen all the upgrade cards. And I'm REALLY curious what kind of upgrade slots these things have. I love how they strategically placed the upgrade cards over the ship cards so you can only see the speed 1 chart and not the rest of the nav chart, the upgrade slots, and the point cost....AARGH!

As I mentioned in one of the other ERMAGERD WAVE THREE threads, if Demolisher wants to spend two of its attacks wiping out a 15-30 (assumed, I'm expecting in the 20s) point flotilla, that's an extremely good return on investment in my book.

With flotillas using zero Redirect tokens (but the Scatter token is a welcome surprise) I also expect XI7s and Heavy Turbolaser Turrets to be less useful. Neither of those upgrades do anything against flotillas. Sure, flotillas are fragile, but at long range you're still going to need 2-3 attacks from most things to down them, particularly if you can't lock down the Scatter. That's also a great return on investment in my book.

Smart flying could place a flotilla in a convenient place to block an oncoming Demolisher or MC30, or otherwise just take up valuable space at the "wrong" moment.

i see these as a smart, viable answer to the squadron explosion of the current wave, giving large ships a way to have activation advantage again.