Gunnery Team and Advanced Gunnery

By thecactusman17, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Hi, just to clarify from the new FAQ (and before people start giving me crap I believe the ruling should be consistent for both players), if the First player's ship has Gunnery Teams may it still target the same ship so long as it targets a different hull zone as per the card text?


I believe "Cannot" to be Absolute, as per the Golden Rule.

"You can attack from the same hull zone more than once per activation. That hull zone cannot target the same ship or squadron more than once during that activation."

That hull Zone CANNOT target the same ship or squadron more than once.

Full Stop.

Do it otherwise, and Advanced Gunnery will override Slaved Turrets, and even the Coolant Discharge (?) Critical Card, Perhaps.

Cannot overrides can, so I would say no. I'm sure Dras will be along shortly, however, for a better-cited response ;) .

Cannot overrides can, so I would say no. I'm sure Dras will be along shortly, however, for a better-cited response ;) .

Both at 19:27hrs according to my Screen :D

The only citation that I feel should be needed is the last paragraph of the golden rule on the first page of the RRG:

"If a card effect uses the word “cannot,” that effect is absolute."

Ab-So-Lute .

Effective 4/2/2016 so play it wrong for more than two weeks!


In hindsight it's kind of logical:

Effect Use and Timing

  • Resolving an upgrade card effect is optional unless otherwise specified . All other card effects are mandatory unless otherwise specified.

The Golden Rules

If a card effect uses the word “cannot,” that effect is absolute.
So...Gunnery Teams would be optional, except they say CANNOT, which is always ABSOLUTE (i.e. beating the Objective text to death).

In hindsight it's kind of logical:

Effect Use and Timing

  • Resolving an upgrade card effect is optional unless otherwise specified . All other card effects are mandatory unless otherwise specified.
The Golden Rules

If a card effect uses the word “cannot,” that effect is absolute.

So...Gunnery Teams would be optional, except they say CANNOT, which is always ABSOLUTE (i.e. beating the Objective text to death).

Eh, I still think the argument I made when this first came up months ago makes the most sense, in that when you fire the second shot you should be able to choose by which agency that second shot from an arc becomes legal. C'est la vie though.

I agree with that. I just think the new ruling isn't entirely illogical (if it applies to both first and second players).

Its just a huge "nerf" to Gunnery Team. But in hindsight, the golden rule is absolute. *shurg.

Though, I think we all felt that Adv Gunnery should override the card Gunnery Team.

It did at one stage.

It does not now.

FFG does things for Game Balance, so that may well be a Reason - because Gunnery Teams were ubiquitous on the Imperial Side.