FFG even updated the core box with the new campaign book as the standard campaign, so imo it was appearent for some time that FFG isn't going to drop Descent anytime soon.
When did they do this? are you saying If I buy a new copy of the base game I get the Heirs of blood campaign? I have one of the first prints of the 2nd ed core game and I have thought about buying a replacement just for the massive amount of updates I've had to do to the books and cards for all the errata and FAQ updates. My quest guide and rule book have a lot of post it notes to correct text. In some cases the changes are so large I've had to just put in "refer to faq page 2" etc etc which I would really prefer to not need to do.
I would have to buy a replacement before selling my original due to wanting to keep my minis since I painted them tho. Right now I feel its not worth the trouble to do all this and it would cost me some money.
Regarding the topic of the App. I plan on getting the steam version and running it on a laptop. I really look forward to this App and agree that more options are always good for the product. I am a big fan of Descent and have almost all for 1st and 2nd editions. But I'm the only one in my group who enjoys the pvp element. Unfortunately for me that single element prevents it from ever being played. So I welcome the removal of one element to a game if it allows me to convince my friends to get it to the table. For me It's not the only reason I like descent (pvp). I am also really excited that the Exploration element is going to get more love. As this was one thing I really liked about 1st ed and the 2nd ed co-op. To me it is a call back to Hero Quest which is what made me a descent fan in the first place.
The more I think about it I like how they're making a new way to play as opposed to trying to automate the OL for the existing campaigns. It allows for much needed change to some mechanics that didn't sit well with a lot of players. I do hope they continue to make more pod co-ops that use more of the expansions. And I feel they should have much more cards to pull from for the rooms even if to some this would be "fiddley" as I never felt this way. Its silly that when you build the exploration deck in the co-ops you are shuffling 2-3 cards. It needs far far more cards to make up that deck and that would fix the issues with replay ability.
It sounds like this App is doing just that. And I can't wait.
Edited by oldtimer