So I've been reading the thread for several days and decided to finally chime in... not that I have much to add or matter all that much - but I think some people are taking the new app either personally or worrying too much that it will ruin the game... and to some extent - may be missing an actual message I think FFG may be trying to send.
@Indalecio (Not saying you are worrying too much by the way - just using you because you talked about the Overlord role as vitally important.) - I get that for some (many?) - the Overlord role is what really sets this game apart from some of the others. Having that active antagonist - not just a run through a guided adventure/campaign story like a DnD campaign - has been what has really set Descent apart from other similar themed games.
For me - I own 100% of first edition and had purchased most of second edition until my group just decided we weren't going to play anymore. We got a little tired of the formula... a little tired of one person always having to be the Overlord. (Not that we didn't enjoy it now and again... we just didn't enjoy it like we used to.) And ultimately we stopped playing. It never sees the table anymore... which is a shame - because I really love the theme, game play, excellent quest/story writing, top quality components, etc. I actually ended up pushing my Descent boxes out of the way to the back of my storage area cause we never played anymore! We started to periodically play games like Galaxy Defenders here a little, Robinson Crusoe, Pandemic Legacy, and found that we really started to enjoy the cooperative experience and had several times commented on how it would be great to have a dungeon crawl campaign experience that was coop. (There are also a lot of KickStarters that are doing this... I backed Sword and Sorcery for one and look forward to getting that late fall hopefully.)
My fear for this game - once I saw the book expansion - was that Descent 2e was about to be closed up development wise and we would have that inevitable wait for a few years for a 3rd edition. For 1e - we got the several expansions - 2 campaign ones, and then the book at the end was ultimately the last we saw of 1e materials. We got the same for 2e here... several expansions both large and small... (a zillion LT packs and H/M packs) and then finally the book! Figured that would be the end of it.
The exciting part for me - with the announcement of the app - was not only that they are adding a mode I can play solo or as a coop campaign experience we were hoping for in my group - but also that the game itself isn't "dead" in the eyes of Fantasy Flight! You don't invest the needed amount of development time for something like this - only to kill off a game. It has not only re-excited a game for me I thought was done - I've already picked up the missing expansion I hadn't purchased yet (so hey, already more revenue for FFG because of the app!) and I will be picking up the app and IAP Day 1 to put my money where my mouth is in support of this type of play.
The App doesn't kill the game we love and know already. It only opens up a new avenue for us to play if we choose to. Will there be app only content? Of course! App only physical components? Probably not? I am very hopeful they release physical expansions that will offer both more traditional style quests/campaigns - but that will offer even more tilesets and monsters to use in the App.
I would be so excited to open up an expansion box that had a new theme, new area, new quests that we could (if we wanted) play in the traditional manner... but - that same expansion would open up a new series of quests we (or I solo) can play with the new environments etc through the app. (Heck - it doesn't even need to be in a box - could just be a cellophane wrapped pack with a book of quests and several cardboard punchout pages and I would still pick it up! As long as it expanded what I could do through traditional play and in-app game experiences I'd be all for it!)
Lastly, and I think very importantly, I think this app (and new cooperative mode) is really a very strong response by Fantasy Flight to a newer trend in cooperative board gaming. I picked up Sword and Sorcery off KickStarter - but there have been a dozen+ other really viable KickStarter coop dungeon experiences in the last year or are currently running. This app, that utilizes a WEALTH of existing content (a TON of stuff is already here!) and turns it into a cooperative adventure with Fantasy Flight basically saying "We got this... no need to look elsewhere." Cause really, we know the mechanics are sound. The tiles and miniatures from FFG are always top notch. We know they can make fun and engaging quests. They have proven they can make good apps... Elder Sign is very well done for example. And now we get it all from FFG with components we already have.
I cannot wait to get my grubby paws on the app and to start trying it out!