Thinking g of buying...

By BrianBard, in Runebound


I have been playing descent 2e and loving it. I have half of the expansions and all of that. Runebound didn't look like my thing at first bc I like the idea of setting up the minis and doing battle (reminds me of being a kid with my gi Joes and star wars toys). I always wanted to do d and d but this was in the 80's and my folks thought it was something I shouldn't play. Since then, I have played pathfinder and dm'd 2 groups and loved it but I don't have the time for that anymore/for now.....

Ok... thoughts on runebound? I like descent to scratch my rpg fantasy itch. Does this do a good job in another way? While I love descent, I miss the story telling part (I have played campaigns and all of that.... I know descent has a story... I just miss some of the rpg story feel)....

A few specific questions....

Any creative ways to combine descent and runebound? Wouldn't that be cool?

Could we petition ffg to make compatible hero cards for the mini's like they used to?

Runebound expansions?

Last... if you had to play runebound or descent 2e... which would u choose and why.

Btw... I know that I can "just play 4e or 5e" or pathfinder... I just can't do rpg's now

Edited by BrianBard

Funnily enough, despite the layout of the game, I find the story in Descent more involving (particularly the newest standalone campaign, Heirs of Blood).

That's not to say there isn't story in Runebound, there is. However, its a bit more condensed down (to fit into the 2 hour play time).

The nice thing in Runebound is that the story tells itself in a more dynamic way. There are scenario specific quests and monsters etc, for example, in the Margath scenario (big dragon), you'll come across dragons as creatures and dragon based events happening etc. And the same goes for the undead scenario, you'll suddenly be coming across undead everywhere and no dragons to be seen.

However, this is all more theme than story. The monsters are thematic and fit the scenario, but don't tell you a lot about whats going on.

There are a few quests to "gather info" on the dragons etc. But they're little more than "You gain a lore token", without actually explaining a lot.

For the most part, if you're fond of flavour text, this is likely where you'll get your story.

One difference between the two is that Descent is very much "Here's the story, now play your quest!", while Runebound instead gives you little tidbits throughout the game.

Descent can obviously accommodate for a much fuller story as its played over a number of gaming sessions and not just one.

I would say Runebound has some great story telling potential, but in the base set its not really there. If anything, this game is screaming for expansions.