Thyrus Gorman question

By ventura72, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Does Thyrus Gorman lose a HP every turn or just the turn you play him.

Foreced After your tunr ends, this unit takes one damage.

After every turn, unfortunately!!

That IS unfortunate. I was really hoping that it was one turn.

He is still quite good. For a relatively low cost, he has 3 hammers. I often put him in my quest zone just to draw 9 cards early on in the game. I WANT him to die after that because I don't want to run out of cards...

That's a very good idea. I hadn't thought of that.

I use it in the KZ second turn when I can...It means lot of BOOST for a couple of turns and a serious advantage on the oppo.

Great Thyrus! :)