I have been looking everywhere for a clarification of the term Active Defence. Does anyone know if this refers to a defence card your played that currently has recharge counters or if it refers to a defence card in your hand that hasn't been played yet? I don't have the action card with me (I believe it was the card Reckless Cleave) that confused me. It says to place recharge counters on your active defence. Any help is appreciated!
Active Defence
Sorenthion said:
I have been looking everywhere for a clarification of the term Active Defence. Does anyone know if this refers to a defence card your played that currently has recharge counters or if it refers to a defence card in your hand that hasn't been played yet? I don't have the action card with me (I believe it was the card Reckless Cleave) that confused me. It says to place recharge counters on your active defence. Any help is appreciated!
its a complete guess but isn't it either? i.e. when you make a reckless cleave it makes defending yourself more difficult, so you have to put a recharge token on your active defence, if this is already recharging, it means you can't use it for even longer, if its currently in your hand, it means you now can't use it until next turn (when the recharge token is removed?)
if you have more than one active defence i assume you only have to place a token on one of them?
all this is guess work though as i haven't got the game yet and so its just based on what you have said and what I've read already....
'Active Defence,' I believe, would just refer to your defence cards (Parry, Dodge, Block).
afaik it doesn't matter whether it's currently recharging or not.
..and the rule about reckless cleave refers to any one your character has, not all the ones you have?
i.e. recharge on one of them not all of them?b
Passive defense is the character's defense value, general received from Armor. The defending player doesn't have to DO anything to receive the bonus. Active defense refers to, yes, the Defensive action cards that need to be played in order for the defender to receive the bonus.
pumpkin said:
..and the rule about reckless cleave refers to any one your character has, not all the ones you have?
i.e. recharge on one of them not all of them?b
Yes, you just pick one.
Reckless Cleave requires that you already have an Active Defense card with Recharge Tokens on it. If you have more than one with tokens on it, you chose which one is effected by Reckless Cleave.