Availability of things?

By kryss187, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


I just discovered Descent by chance. My daughter and I went into a gaming store to look for a board game to play and this one looked good. I bought it and...I LOVE IT! So does the family. After we played the first part of the campaign and used the token for Splig, I decided to buy the miniature. I cant find it anywhere. Even fantasy flight has it listed as out of stock. Is this common to sell out or will they not make anymore? It seems odd that I cant find it online anywhere.


It's out of stock, but it will probably be reprinted in the near future. The game is not out of print.

It's out of stock, but it will probably be reprinted in the near future. The game is not out of print.


Similar boat. Descent's been on my acquisition list for quite some time. Stumbled across a pretty decent deal for somebody's collection. Most of everything through the first two expansions - lieutentants included 5 of the 6 from the core set. Yup, no Splig. My completionist tendencies are killing me! :)

In what country do you live ? We can suggest you some great online board game stores depending on where you are from!

In what country do you live ? We can suggest you some great online board game stores depending on where you are from!

I live in the US...Maryland specifically. I think I may have a lead on Splig! Cant wait! I have a gaming session planned out for this weekend.

In what country do you live ? We can suggest you some great online board game stores depending on where you are from!

I live in the US...Maryland specifically. I think I may have a lead on Splig! Cant wait! I have a gaming session planned out for this weekend.

Ha! Too bad, I am from Canada so I buy from Canadian Online shops and I don't know if they ship to the US.

I also made a quick search online and it really seems difficult to find the miniature pack. Good luck in your search!

Is Lair of the Wyrm out of print, or likely to be reprinted? I've found an online store that's selling it for more than double the retail price.

Is Lair of the Wyrm out of print, or likely to be reprinted? I've found an online store that's selling it for more than double the retail price.

Under the upcoming section above, it list it as "on the boat". Which means " The product is traveling from the printer to our warehouse. The duration of this process varies depending on where the printer is located, be it in the US, China, or Germany, but generally takes four to six weeks."