Work In Progress of my F&D campaign world building

By RusakRakesh, in Game Masters

Total of 100 hours of roleplaying, once a week for a good score of 25 sessions. Started with beginner game, to add on adventure and beyond, check it ot in my journal i n the signature.

I am so back on my game journal, since I been writing mostly into my GM notes booklet. Also my players keep establishing story elements, name drops, etc.

This is summed up draft...


Hybrid of everything came from F&D, and some flavor off Age of Rebellion Arda I and Strongholds encounters.

Spintir from Beginner Game is a planet in the outer-rim, edge of the Corellian Run. Gathered in Reles, the capital...Mandalorians, Sith, Hutts, Confederacy remnants, and four jedi looking for a place to start over.

Gaulus Sector Ryloth System


An arid planet with high industrialization, governed by corrupt twi’lek clans.

General locations-

  • Ulwan Bach’Eetska - Former one of Ryloth’s busiest market districts is in the Nabat Plains. Now a decaying urban sprawl, where fortunes are made, lives are destroyed, in industrial slavery. It is the upper city to a huge cavern community, mostly the families of workers, and fugitive who can not afford a dome city or other.

    • Spaceports nest - Most of the export transport embark and disembark from here. Some of its many small ports are used by local and outworld scum and villany.

Local Figures-

  • Cortanna Vozz - Down-on-her-luck smuggler, as well as four members of her crew aboard her ship, the Titan’s Mercy. She is trafficking a Dathomirian force-sensetive, unbeknowingly to the Rebels. Her handler has disappeared and she decided to do one last job to get credits to leave Ryloth.

    • Titan’s Mercy - Jawa engineers, bounty hunter (“Rancor” Becket) and his assassin droid (“BKT 1”).

  • Thamoss Syn - A pirate lord and weapons dealer, and his Sorority mercenaries. Vozz owes him a debt for gambling. He does minor work for the Sorority as liaison for small pirate groups, and owns his own Zabrak female bodyguard.

    • “Quickening” Grelda - former shock-boxing champion and mercenary.

“Smuggler’s Run” Systems- Spintir System

Spintir, a jungle planet largely covered by forests and mountains.

General locations-

  • Reles - Planetary capital.

  • Dawn Temple - Jedi spiritual retreat.

  • Mount Telec - Mountain range in Spintir. Houses the temple and the Frostwall Village, on one of the its plateaus, in a secret valley.

  • Frostwall Village - Hidden village in the valley of the temple. Wrea Humanoids.

  • Devlikk Village - Hidden village beyond the swamps. Have an annual caravan to one of the natural springs.

  • Smuggler’s Village - Hidden village deep in the eastern forest block.

Past events-

  • Rakata exiles land on Spintir and die there by the hands of four force-sensitive heros. The remains of the force-sensitive Rakata are hidden secretly by a third unknown force.

  • 3900 BBY - Kyyr Systems disaster (Hutt Space main entry route) opens the road for Corellian scouts to completely map the unexplored area of the Smuggler’s Run area and its corridor to Wild Space.

  • 3999 BBY - Corrillians and Trandoshan race to conquer Spintir. The Gilded Cage scout ship crashes on Spintir. Its wreckage houses the first great emergences of a new pirate force over the barbaric pirates of Wild Space.

  • 4000 BBY- Trandoshan built the Arena of Scorekeeper on the Rakata ruins, and settle Spintir

  • 3960 BBY - Mandalorian Wars end. Re-settle in Spintir by Smuggler’s Run settlers.

  • 3000 BBY - Battle of Spintir (Mando vs Trandoshan Pirates). Jedi sent to dispute the crisis, discover the mystic nature of Spintir.

  • 2000 BBY - Val Isa’s parents are born in Reles’s slave pits, and deliver Val Isa in secret to the care of a traveling Jedi for training.

  • 1500 BBY - Cult of the Gleaming Stone is consolidated on Reles, from several sith empire exile groups.

  • 1000 BBY - Jedi Order rediscovered Spintir after a chase after the misbehaving Jedi artist (Val Isa). Later form Dawn Temple as a meditation retreat. Many of the locals are taken as younglings, and form the Vornskyr Clan.

  • 500 BBY - The Three Gatekeepers are constructed from the Red Kyber crystals, which are found in tectonic movements. The discovery inspire hidden sith cult to research synthetic crystals.

  • 350 BBY - The Trade Federation is formed and consolidtae power along the Corellian Run.

  • 200 BBY - Smuggler’s Run underworld is consolidated by the newly formed Trade Federation into two large think tanks; Mining & Component Industry.

Recent events-

  • Dark Sun battles the Trade Federation on control of Spintir and adjacent systems for their resources. Smuggler’s Run Space Force (SRSF) are consolidated from local enforcement guilds to handle influx of underworld activity.

  • Clone Wars - Smuggler’s run is a small purse world of the Neimoidians. SRSF disbanded and former members become pirates and exiles. Wounded from Battle of Ryloth (Outer Rim Sieges) are the last to arrive to the Dawn Temple.

  • Dawn Temple is abandoned to droid care during Order 66 by padawans and ExplorCore jedi. Mad Jugo the Trader robs the droids and essential tech and hides it in the techy cabin on top of the temple.

  • Logging subsidiary returns to support independent logging companies on Spintir, after the New Order. Secretly, the local governor is bribed to hand the control of the system, as the Empire is bent on to dry the planet of its natural resources.

  • Former SRSF form the resistance on Spintir, against The Empire.

  • Frostwall Village who guard the temple are killed by the inquisition scouting party. Master Roumand of the ExplorCorp calls the heros to save the temple.

Local figures -

Frostwall Village-

Local leader- Council of three wisewoman (force sensitive).

Figures: Hunters, Traders, Farmers.

Lightwell Village-

  • Local leader- Veneriss Cloudguider - Devlik Elder, and master game hunter.

  • Hunters Lodge - Yarick Relesius, Minor Hutt, in league with Trandoshans.

  • Gran Hawk Goddess cult - Fugito Kristopolus, gran intellectual leader, and assorted Wrea humanoids and devlik.

    • Wellspring caravan- Jar-of-Milk Wrea religious leader, Geb Sikrata mando wanderer (+fanatics retinue), Voua’ajin O’kook Huok seer (+insectoid rights cult), Dadoo Gand Findsman (+2 apprentices), Smuggler village farmers and traders.

Herohill Village-

  • Local leader- Merchant Guild shadow council, in league with Red Dragon syndicate.

    • Space-Scorpion - mercs

    • Raider Transports - ship smuggling

    • Trasion - Special Comm services.

  • Hawkbat Fighter guild - gambling and ring fights services.

  • NeoPlast - Blackmarket Construction

  • Wrea Scoundrels hq - Smuggling gang

  • Seeker-Finder Corps- Search & Rescue services.


Local leaders- Caria Haal (former governor), Ellor Orgraal (Imperial Governor).

Figures: Kaina Forrel (Chief of Museum Security), Heder Brant (Ambitious Imperial), Tol Pirilian (Assistant City Director), Eren Garai (ISB agent), Pondar Ukka (Imperial double agent).

Politics- Ballots & Boards

  1. Deforestation Act

    1. For- Neimo, Duro, Skirata, Goatrix, Empire

    2. Against - Raven, Corr, Tych, Minor Assembly (Civilian)

  2. Nature & Culture Preservation Act

    1. For- Neimo, Duro, Skirata, Goatrix

    2. Against - Raven, Empire

    3. Abstine - Corr, Tych, Minor Assembly (Civilian)

  3. Law & Order Act

    1. For- Neimo, Duro, Skirata, Goatrix

    2. Against - Raven, Corr, Tych

    3. Abstain - Empire, Minor Assembly (Civilian)

  4. University Censor Act -

    1. For- Revan, Empire, Tych

    2. Against -, Skirata, Goatrix, Duro

    3. Abstain - Neimo, Minor Assembly (Civilian)

  1. Commerce board - Lead Tych

  2. Transportation & Communication board - Lead Raven

  3. Droid-Alien Rights board - Minor Assembly

  4. Municipal Elderman Council board - Minor Assembly (Civilian)

  5. Houses quorum - High Noble Assembly


  • Politics

  • Neimoidian Minor: Neimoidian descendants.

    • Patronage : Labor Work Gangs.

  • Duro Minor: Duro Old Guard +Power Armor.

  • Patronage : Tech industry.

  • House Sikrata: Mandalorian descendants +Power Armor.

    • Patronage : Training.

  • House Goretrix: Noble house in Reles, Sith Empire descendants. Run a bounty hunter guild. +Power Armor.
    Patronage : Housing.

  • Tapani Minor: Tapani settlers and exiles

    • Patronage : Tech Work Gangs.

  • House Ravan : Head of a shady corporate board in the Corporate Sector. Owns the remains of industry in Smuggler Run’s Systems. Ties to Black Sun through Red Dragon Syndicate.

    • Patronage : Intellectuals.

  • Corellian Minor: Corellian’s Ambassador Family. Political leaders that formed the SRSF. Alderaani Jedi ties.

    • Patronage : Politics.

  • Ty’chula Clan : Ryloth nobles. Hutt Trade ties.

    • Patronage : Illegal.

  • General Corporate-

    • Techno Union - old neimoidian scientists. Dr silvius (ISOtech), Itorian healer (dioxis gas), Mr X (rokugal reverse engineering).

    • Banking Clan Treasury - Sectorial currency backer (Imperial Credit). Has ties with all major business transactions, sits on major boards and insuring major distribution.

    • Corrialn Transports - Long hauls and space station services.

    • Major Comms - black sun comm & sensors firm.

      • Zeltron Towers - Major atenas for Spaceport Authority.

        • Provincial Connections - Planetary Data-Nets antenna link (Holonet, Local Underground net). Connects to the local imperial data-transfer network (trap by ISB agents).

    • Nul Releslious - satellite services, holonet and planetary infocall system. Hutt ryloth ties. Heavy Gan’s family.

    • Lone Star security - Guards for Major Comms. illegally bought old war droids.

  • General Underworld-

    • Smugglers

Descendants of 1000 years of outlaw activity, from smuggling to pirates. The myth of a civil war between two major underworld bosses on Reles is a cover for all kinds of unlawful deals. It's a ruse waiting to burst into chaos.

  • Movers: After a major crack on pirates in the system by the SpaceForce, most of the muscles formed a smuggling gang.

  • Trandoshan Hunters: Major clan that consolidated to own greats assets on a major trade route. Run a cover op as veteran hunting sport resort. Run a lot of business on the side after recruiting former pirates.

    • Major Forces-

      • Dorkas “Khan the Trandoshan” - former khan and big game hunter extraordinaire. Owns a major cut in TH’s transport. Needs a new shipment of wild animals, Reles runs dry but there is info to gather by scouting or going to another planet out of a secret list.

  • Minor Forces-

    • Religious Weepquay - Junkers, old guard for trandoshan kings.

    • StarKhans - Shipjacking

    • Niktokillers - “Archeology”, temple running for 300 years.

    • Deathsquad Traders : Major Pirate force with direct ties to Black Sun. On Reles they own a hidden black market with Fencers. Major imports: Core World knockoffs, Hookah, Artefects, Swoop & Speeders tech. Service the young nobles for anything unlawful.

      • Garel , Zabrak cyberintuasiast - Head Money for the squad. Club owner the Lilian club (red herring for sith cult). Wants to make a far survey and break into the a renewed dungeon running.

      • Twisnaton - Toydarian goods fencer. Likes to once in a while, make a stall, like he used to do in his early years.

        • Environmental luxury- legal

        • Artefects - illegal

  • Swoop gangs

Major and Minor house young.

  • Jackers : Spice & Slice enthusiasts + cybernetics.

  • Burners : Risky Piloting enthusiasts + Gambling.

  • Old Money : Battle Sports + Lighfoil

  • Black market

    • Wrea & Gallus Mining Corp - Former major corporate project by CISs in Smuggler’s Run systems. Currently mining for Stealth Tech. Most transport crews used to own a big operation in Death Wind Corridor, smuggling spice.

    • Merchant Guild - Everything Custom smuggling ring.

      • Old Wayfarer spacer is a member and looking for his lost android.

    • UltraChems - Neimoidian Major Gas distributor. Used to own many of the utility services stations in the close systems for space operations. Straw firm for Techno Union.

  • The Hunting Games Society

    • High Dragon House - Safari enthusiasts + collectors

    • Serpent Lodge - Wild Hunt game conspiracy + reality shows -

      • Farealion - Elderly Tugarian former assassin called “White Saber”, ex black sun. Forming the illegal suit fighting (secret arena in the jungle).

Gallus System

Tyr I

Tyr II


Gas planet of the Tyr giants group, orbited by “Tyr’s Hammer” (formerly UltraChems 5 refueling station) Reles Old bounty hunters base. Hijacked by Tapani exile scientists for Rakghoul experiment (Dr. Silvius from ISOTech is head of program on board).

“Ziost II”

Planetoid X, a comet orbiting the system.

Houses the Sith Empire Remanent alpha base. Destroyed Hyperspace Gate.


The fifth Releious the Hutt’s homebase. “Light of the Chosen One” is a major con op cult, run by a Bassej’adye a force Sensitive t’landa Til (hutt precursor race). Recruiting only humans (Tapani, Mandlor, Reles Wrea), the t’landa Til belive they are the most vulnerable to their powers. Some of the alien laborers used to be part of the Gleaming Stone sith cult back on Reles.

Yleisa’ Moon (Yleisa II)

Dead & toxic world used as dumping grounds. Closed in ancient republic times during reformation on pollution and native primitive act. Native Moon Beast Riders use gravitation proximity to do daring atmosphere jumps to Ylesia and back.

Wrea System

Planet Wrea

Water Planet mined by CISs. Used to be a jungle and homeworld for Spintir’s Humanoid primitives. Enslaved by hutts to settle Smuggler’s Run for 2000 years, and ultimately caused a natural disaster.

  • Brahun’s Landing- local work gang headquarters. Ties to larger gang from Reles.

  • Ragnar’s Landing- Water Syphoning plants. Verpine use hidden base for rock mining and using them as asteroids.

  • Coral Resort- hidden amphibian tour spot. Astral Jester , an ancient freighter turned luxury cruiser stops here between Genosia, across the Wild Space Spine Trade Route and back.

Smuggler’s Run Skip Stations

Large asteroid belt crossing between Wrea and Kelor systems, and is the official end point of the Carillion Run Trade Route.

Space phenomena sometimes moves certain parts of the long belt across an orbit, as adjacent stars overlap into adjacent systems. This trick makes the exact location of certain settlements in the belt, hidden or elusive.

  • Skip 0: Spice manufacturer.

  • Skip 1-3: Black Sun weapon manufacture.

  • Skip 4-6: Baron Biscuit manufacture & distribution.

  • Skip 7-22: Covert operations by the XenoMorphs, League for insectoid rights. Backed by Techno Union.

    • Gand- Bounty Hunting and Seeking Service. Large player in sectorial bounty hunting scene.

    • Verpine- Mining & Custom Tech.

    • Geonosian- Transport. Own several empty skip stations reserved for covert Shipbuilding.

Wild Space XZ5692 System ( “Kelor’deus’lego” )

Outside of the maze, is an old navigation guild beacon, which tells the tale of this system’s doomed discovery (survivor is on Lego).

Khan’s Maze

Three gas giants nested in a black nebula-

  • Kelor - The Nameless Jedi Praxum

  • Deus - surrounded by heavy asteroid belt, cocoon-like.

  • Lego - Ships graveyard hazard zone (Beta testing phase of the weapon).

XZ5629 System ( “Arbooine” )

“Lonely Planet” (Arbooine)

  • Quolas, Sovereign Tree-City on Arbooine.

Edited by RusakRakesh

Updated to a readable format and added a TL;DR :P
