executor's painted figures gallery

By executor, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

so It's been a long time since i painted any Imperial assault miniatures as i've been busy painting over 50 infinity miniatures over the past several months

i can't be bothered to look up my old gallery thread so i am going to start a new one

here's my latest batch of figures that includes a new hero, some droids and disposable scum





Very nice!

the contrast on the hunter droids head are beautiful

the contrast on the hunter droids head are beautiful

thanks, just wait until you see my grey versions that i just finished tonight (will post soon when i've finished my next batch) they look even more gorgeous!

added some more figures


so as practice goes on, skills improve and different forms of technique improve your skills as a painter.

while i don't plan to go back on all of my IA miniatures, i will go back on my favorites. The RGC in particular, as he's my favorite model!! Here are the before and after snots just by doing some additional highlighting and NMM (non metallic metal)on the blades, which i learned to do fairly recently




Excellent ! I love the nmm techniques on the Assassin droids, the browns/bronzes look really nice. Great job over all on everything.


it's very hard to tell from the lighting, but i tried something different with the whites. i ended up mixing a small amount of Fenrisian Grey with Ceremite White as the base colour to give it a very slight blue tone as often seen on snow during a dark cloudy day and highlighted with pure Ceremite White

up close in person you can see the colour differences quite well but it's still subtle


Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

Hoth has too much white in the figure sets.. i really dislike working with white often. the troopers are bad enough

but anyways here's my latest batch


so as practice goes on, skills improve and different forms of technique improve your skills as a painter. while i don't plan to go back on all of my IA miniatures, i will go back on my favorites. The RGC in particular, as he's my favorite model!! Here are the before and after snots just by doing some additional highlighting and NMM (non metallic metal)on the blades, which i learned to do fairly recently BEFORE IMG_1605.jpg AFTER 20160321_153830.jpg



so as practice goes on, skills improve and different forms of technique improve your skills as a painter. while i don't plan to go back on all of my IA miniatures, i will go back on my favorites. The RGC in particular, as he's my favorite model!! Here are the before and after snots just by doing some additional highlighting and NMM (non metallic metal)on the blades, which i learned to do fairly recently BEFORE

What color(s) did you use/mix for the RGC's grey on his chest piece, visor, and boots/bands??



Ironhull grey (P3) as a base colour

and a mix of 2 or 3 parts Administratum Grey (GW) to 1 part Ironhull Grey to highlight

if i was going to do a really good job of this figure i'd probably do about 4-5 gradual increments of highlighting starting with a 1:1 ratio and and working my way up to pure Administratum grey for a very nice look. But these are FFG minis and the quality is only "ok" but still a bit above average so i don't go too crazy with these figures