Any of you Descent players own/played Munchkin Quest?

By Frog, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Do you any of you Descent players own/played Munchkin Quest?

If so, what do you think?

On paper it looks like a faster, light-hearted game that is similar to Descent and even more so Warhammer Quest(random maps) mixed with Arkham Horror style monster movement.

I hear games take about 30 minutes per player which would definitely be faster than a game of Descent (though obviously not as deep or cool).

Seems like it would be a good alternative to Descent when you can't get a game together.

We've played a couple of games of Munchkin Quest, and they weren't as fun as we'd thought they would be. If you've played Munchkin, you know how easy it is to get to a position where one player is vastly superior to the others in levels and gear. That happens in Munchkin Quest as well, but the game is slower so you notice it more, and the monsters are controlled somewhat by the other players, so it's easier to keep someone down.

I've never played Munchkin (Card Game) so I don't expect the game to play like Munchkin. Do you think someone who wants a light-hearted version Descent/Warhammer Quest would like it?

Possibly, though as I said it's not very balanced. It was fun up until the point where one player was unstoppable, then it dragged.

Frog said:

Do you any of you Descent players own/played Munchkin Quest?

Munchkin... shiver...

Munchkin the card game is a lot more fast paced and entertaining for it's theme, but our group does own and play a game of Munchkin Quest, but we find Descent a lot more interesting and involving, and generally "less lame" according to two of our regulars. However we do have 2 Munchkin keeners which love it... so... your call. :)

Played it once: it took one of the players two turns to hit level 8 (level 10 wins). Since you fight so many more monsters per turn, you outstrip other player's abilities to backstab the hell out of you pretty quickly.