I'd like to collect the mistakes in the Core Rulebook for the errata and the next printing. Any mistake, be it in the rules, spelling, printing or otherwise.
The ones I have found so far:
- In the Common lore description on page 79 - 80, the Skill Group "Underworld" is not described.
- Under the Skill Group "Tech", there is a spelling mistake on page 80 (first line): "sooth" instead of "soothe"
- There is no description for the Speak Language Skill Group "Ork".
- There is no space between "..." and "althoug" under Skill Use of Forbidden Lore on page 82.
- In the paragraph "Gaining Navigator Powers" on page 178 is a space after "time" in the 8th line.
- Spelling mistake headline "Gellar Field" instead of "Geller Field" in Table 8-3 (page 201). This line should also be bold.
- Page 205: No space between "..." and "but" in the Crew Reclamation Facility paragraph.
- Page 277: No space between "explorers" and "needs" in the Achievement Points paragraph (line 12). "Explorers" should also be written with a capital letter.
- Death World paragraph on page 308: No space between "nearly" and "impossible" in line eight.
- Page 341: No space between "and" and "that" in the The Koronus Passage: "The Maw" paragraph (line 18).