Hello, just a couple of quick questions regarding the rulings on how many times cards with a limit of per round or per phase can be played. The specific cards I am going to be referring to will be Heavy Stroke, Protector of Lorien, and Desperate Alliance. Each of the cards have a limit placed on how many times they can be played/activated per phase. As I understood the rules for Protector of Lorien, if you had 2 copies of the card on 2 different heroes you could discard 6 cards in one phase (3 to each copy of the card). So in regards to Heavy Stroke if a dwarf dealt 2 damage to an enemy, could each player play a copy of Heavy stroke as a response in order to deal an additional 8 damage (in a 4 player game)? In the rules it says that the limitation on activations is per card. Does that mean each instance of that card, or the name of that specific card? Meaning, am I playing Protector of Lorien wrong by activating it more than 3 times per phase even though I have more than one in play? Is the restriction per card PER PLAYER, or just per card period? The real reason for the question is because of the card Desperate Alliance. Our group was trying to figure out if you could play it on a Hero and give it to someone else, then have that player play Desperate Alliance on that same Hero and give it back to its original owner, then at the end of the phase have the 1st player stack the returns of the Hero such that the 2nd player gains a permanent 4th Hero? It has a limit of 1 per phase, so it became unclear as to if we have been playing other cards wrong, or did the trick work as we thought it did? Sorry for the long post, but I thought framing the question might help explain why or why not these interactions were being played correctly. Any help would be much appreciated, Thank you.