Missing scenario pages

By senf71, in Rules questions & answers

I may be double posting here, not sure.

So I know this is not really a rules question but, I am missing a bunch of the papers that come with each set that give you the story and any special rules you need. I am not sure if I lost them or they did not come or what. I order a bunch of boxes a while back and did not really look at them when I first got them, but now that we are getting to those rounds I find I don't have teh papers.

Is there anywhere I can download those to be able to print out? I am sure I can figure out most of the rules but would be nice to have the story.

Dare I say it? ... pure OCTGN player, perhaps? either that or got them all used?

Edited by GrandSpleen

Dare I say it? ... pure OCTGN player, perhaps? either that or got them all used?

I'm pretty sure I threw out my Mount Gram rules sheet inadvertently, so I think it's not out of the realm of possibility to throw out a whole bunch if you're not thinking about it and just opening them to organize for the future (as opposed to playing them right away).

Oh yeah, darn those clamshells! It was hard to overlook the rules inserts in the original packaging for APs, but they switched to those hard plastic clamshell packages, and the inserts neatly concealed behind the product label. As if you are not meant to find it. Maybe that was what happened.

I have actually been throwing them out intentionally, and just downloading the digital versions. Much easier to just have them all available on the tablet.

Or at least it was - we finally finished the Against the Shadow cycle tonight so I went to update, and it looks like they haven't added anything since middle of last year? Second half of Angmar Awakened is missing, as is the Gray Havens.

Anyone know what the normal upload pace is?

They're way behind. For most of the game's life they were good about getting the rule sheets uploaded (and the quest log updated at the same time) reasonably soon after the pack was released. Since around the time Escape from Mount Gram was released, however, they really fell off schedule. We were told once by a developer that it is due to a "marketing backlog."