Has anyone found a way to really abuse Planning the Rescue? I love the concept and have been toying around with using it, Winter's objective, Han's objective, and False Report to always keep my opponent guessing as to what's coming and where the damage is going to come from. Thoughts?
Viability of Planning the Rescue
There's a rather length discussion over at cardgamedb: http://www.cardgamedb.com/forums/index.php?/topic/30280-cracken-deck-write-up/
Yeah, the deck discussion there is pretty fascinating.
Thanks for the link! It is a great discussion, and the set just got more viable with the release of So Be It. Feigned Captivity could be huge!
You can check an example of Cracken List using GA here http://valledeljedi.blogspot.com.es/2016/04/una-nueva-esperanza-para-la-rebelion.html
I'm sorry, it's in spanish.