New Player - looking for a 2 simple deck setups from a singel core box.

By booored, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

Just grabbed this game and interested in checking out. Anyway.. as i have no real idea what the cards are like in game, and haven't even got the rules down yet... it is hard to get a deck setup.

Can anyone suggest to me a fairly decent deck setup using just a single core box of cards... I need 2 decks to duel with. It doesn't need to be great and amazing decks but just something that is sorta balanced.

That way I can duel a bit and learn how the game works and how the cards work and stuff

So if you have a list of 2 deck i can make out of a single core set I would be appreciative.

well really with the core set, just grab 2 factions you like and a few neutral cards and go for it, when you get more used to the play style and game decide on the ones to expand, ideas, well cthulhu/hastur......hastur/sydicate..........yog/shub...............yog/agency, most of all have fun and enjoy it happy.gif


I am also having problems using the core set to construct playable decks.

Rules state a player's deck must have 50 cards plus. Core faction decks are 20 cards each (exception: Agency has 21 with card F23, which is not University faction which thus has only 19 cards). There are 14 neutral cards, so 7 per player, meaning there are only 47 cards per deck. Where do other three cards come from? There is no explanation in the rules or the FAQ.

Also, (my box, at least) the core has only one conspiracy card which is not faction-related? How does this get into a player's deck - do we have to fight over it?

Asylum add-ons (some of) repeat rules for conspiracy cards, but still do not make it clear how non-faction conspiracies may be split between players. I assume the ones with a faction icon in lower left corner can be used only by that faction?



ok, grey..or neutral cards are not faction specific, i.e you can use any factions icons to play them, inc conspiracy cards, if there is only one and you both want it, well toss a coin.

as for amounts in decks, well yes it is a bit less in the core set for some reason, but dont worry as it will still get you going well and used to the game, then when you buy some ap packs you can add to them as nessasary

My problem is the core rules say nothing about the one conspiracy card #155 as to who gets it. The rules state #141-147 go to one player, while #149-154 go to another... see my confusion. Also when you use boosters how do you equally divide the neutrals in them? just mix them up and divide the deck in half, hoping you dont end up with a weak deck of neutrals?

well there shouldnt be that much of a problem, you both will have 2 different faction decks, so will play differently, hence different use of neutral cards, divide them up any fair way you like, as soon as you get an ap pack yor two you wont know which ones to replace,as their will be soo many choices

What we ended up doing was to count all our neutrals, and since it was an odd number we just omitted one of the conspiracies for we had 3. Then we shuffled them all together and dealt each other an even number of cards... so we ended up with random neutrals.

Is it possible to play with 3 factions instead of 2?

yes you can in reality play with as many factions as you want, personally i think 3 is the limit for drawability, but thats the problem, the more factions you put in the more trouble you have making a rescourse match and getting spesific cards you want, i would reccomend at first, just sticking with two, then with some ap packs you will see what synergies you can make

Yeah we tried with 3 factions and boy was it a pain! It just diluted the deck to much.