- Up and ready for use!!

By iGaveHimLife, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

As discussed in I have set up a small site for the sole purpose of uploading and sharing Decks made with the Cthulhu Deck Builder by Nyarlazorbec.

The site is new so there isn't much content but it is there for anyone to use. You can upload decks and download any deck you find there.

Just go to

I'm looking for anyone interested in helping out... if you can write SMF mods that would be great, as I would love to have a card bbcode... I will also need a bit of help moderating the site...

I still have some stuff to do on it so there should be changes over the next few days but the bare bones of the site is rdy to go.. so if your interested in uploading and sharing your decks then... hope over and check it out!!

Nice trial...I hope I'll contribute very soon with a couple of things (deck, maybe an article I was thinking to write).

Only one suggestion: don't divide the deck section in is just dispersive, the community is not so big. Instead, you could create a LCG-only zone and a Mixed Border zone for decks...this could be better (I know that there are pepole out there playing miced border format).

Nice job, anyway.


There is a suggestion area on the forum

I registered!!


Haven't a hard time getting the card thing to work so we can have mouse overs of the cards and have them all showing up in a nice popup when you mouse over th card name....

Also I have found a really good rating system so we can have a much better deck rating on each thread....

The card thing is the greatest hurdle at the moment (apart from getting people to USE the site :) If anyone has skills in javascript or SMF mod encoding please let me know i could use a hand...

Tonight, I will do a bit of "spamming" on the site mate, i have been a bit full of work so it's been kind of hard. As for the java skills....i'm not ur guy xD

The site is coming along... i got the card phraser working.. and will be setting up the rating system next.... I have yet to get all the cards named correctly and uploaded but I'll do that after work tomorrow.... for a preview check out..

Still need to do the rating system.. so until that is up there is no real point in posting decks... after that I will be doing the post icons and stuff to match the coclcg theme and then do a bit of cosmetic stuff putting some images on the site and changign the look from smf default... still the thing is coming along.

Konx said:

Only one suggestion: don't divide the deck section in is just dispersive, the community is not so big. Instead, you could create a LCG-only zone and a Mixed Border zone for decks...this could be better (I know that there are pepole out there playing miced border format).

Ok... this was a good idea... I have made the deck section into 4 sections. I know this is still split up but I think in the long run it will be better if people actually start posting decks.

  • Tournaments and League Event Decks (for official TDecks used in comps - CCG / LCG Mixed.. w/e they actually use)
  • LCG - Set Decks (Decks made from single iterations of LCG - Core + any expansion... so if you only buy 1 core and 1 of each pack, the deck goes here)
  • LCG - Collector Decks (Decks made just from LCG.. but with as many card as you need to make a good deck, even if you need 8 copies of At the Mountians of Maddness to get 8 Alaskan Sledge Dog in your deck.
  • CCG - Anything Gose (Mixed LCG + CCG, or just CCG decks... anything goes here... just decks.)

PearlJamaholic said:

maybe a way to rate individual cards, along with decks. that way we could get a feel from the community of what cards are great and which arent. and this would give beginners a good lauch pad for which packs have the best cards.!

Ok... I wasn't sure how to do this but i think I found a way.... using a gallery mod. Each image is just a card, you can comment on the card image and have a chat about it, plus rate the card and see a rating, you get the top rated cards showing on the index, and can sort the sets by name or rating when looking at a pack.

Still some work to go before it is all ready... I have only set up CORE and The SPAWN OF THE SLEEPER so far.... and the main thing... as in Deck ratings is still alluding me... but i still hope i can sort that out soon enough. Still until the deck ratings is working ...

your site is turning into a work of art!!! i sent you a pm too.

we just need to recruit the users here to over there cause this place just looks like nothing already compared to what you got going.

Ok.... I have the rating system working now... Guests can not see the ratings yet... but any registered member can see them and vote post deck files and download... I still have a few card images to post but it all seams to be working pretty well now.

Ok all the cards are posted... everything is ready to go.... all it needs is users... so come and post your decks if you wish!!

A big thank you to KallistiBRC for doing all the card scans.

a FFG employee has ordered me to remove the site, most likely because of the card images. Thanks for those people that help and mixed up ideas with me on how to build a decent community for this game. Such short sightedness and completely archaic attitude to the internet is shocking to me.. but it is their call and I didn't hesitate to comply.

thats a shame, you would think its free advertising, i know about copyright and all, but your not strictly reproducing them or anything

why havent they asked for the deckbuilder to be removed than? have you emailed them back cause maybe something could be worked out. agot has that site i linked before that also has card images. there must be a fine line that the coc site crossed cause the agot site has been up for years now.

Well...unfortunately I don't see why it happened.

I think that maybe if they don't let IGML keep the site, to at least make the ideas we gave here in this forum.

One more thing that is making me a bit upset is why wouldn't they even said anything here in the forum? They could have explained here what he shouldn't have done to "cross the line". I, myself, am quite upset right now.

i emailed them hoping for some answer. i bet with some minor modding we can get our site back. ffg never struck me as an anti-fanbase company. i guess we will see....

Look I totally understand were they are coming from... even though i do not agree with it and it is there choice, there property... I will not be fighting it... I haven't removed the site, yet.. just disabled it....(for now)... there could be a way to salvage the site.. but it would have to have the cards removed..... I will be asking if I water mark the cards with the FFG logo.... and if they do not go for that... mabey they will allow me to change the pop ups to just show the card text and statistics....

It's a matter of time until they understand that it's just great having fan-sites! And i think that they will let you use what you are aiming for :D

In my opinion this could be another great fan site improving the presence of FFG, concretely CoC, in the net... its difficult to understand the reaction!

Maybe FFG will bann the Wiky too... sad.gif

its been over a week and i havent heard back yet from ffg about it. i dont know if igavehimlife has yet though....

I don't know..but the site is still down so... :(

I imagine the card images would have a lot to do with it. Just printing the basic stats and card descriptors doesn't seem to be a problem with the deck builder program or the card lists on geekdo. There are just too many people ready to print out card images, sleeve them, and play without paying. I don't blame them for wanting that stuff off the web.

Where does this situation currently stand? Perhaps removing the imagess, but having the program extract them from downloaded images would be ok.

Anyway, it scares me to read.

no idea ive tried emailing people at ffg games and havent got one response yet on how to fix the site. and from my last talking with igavehimlife it seems he's done trying.

I see no real gain in contacting FFG here. They said pull the images. Reasons and legal speak aren't necessary once they've made their position clear.

Push FFG at risk of them pushing back. And I like my community resources intact.