Standing up question

By ike42, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I've been playing the overlord for the first time on a Shadows of Nerekhall campaign and it's been a struggle. Against my group. So much so, that I spent like 4 hours studying every rulebook for every expansion then sent a super long email on rules we had been playing wrong both in the heroes and my favor on occasion.

I have a player who is playingoing Elder Mol as a bard and I'mhaving a hard time keeping up with the healing, even when I do knock him out he almost immediately is at full health after standing up. Needless to say I'vebeen thinking about the campaign a lot. That has led me to this question:

When a hero stands himself up does anything that goes off at the end of the turn (such as bard songs) still trigger?

We were letting it trigger but now that I think more on it I'm unsure if we were playing it right. It seems that there is no "at the end of his turn," since standing yourself up causes your turn to immediately end. I know this comes off as rule lawyering but it could make a huge difference in my campaign. Thanks.

There is still an end of his turn.

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