A few related questions on the tech cards Satellite Targeting, Run and Gun, Holo-Targeting, and Battle Scanners.
Satellite and Holo Targeting both reduce the threat TN, are they for the whole task, similar to using salvage with the Laboratory for a research task? Or just for a specific dice roll?
i.e. would the threat target be 1,1,2,3,4 (minimum 1, max 5 minus 1) for a task or the threat of 1,2,3,4,5 and I can only reduce one of those targets, with the threat snapping back to the track after that particular dice roll?
Also while not many, could the SL cards (all but Satellite Targeting) have multiple soldiers on them? True they are type specific, so you are rather limited but is it an option for two or even three uses of those cards' abilities? I supose Revive also falls under this question.
Or if they don't specifically allow extra uses (such as Plasma Cannon, which can put up to two interceptors for two uses) you are limited to just one use?