Ready to go in COLORADO at Valahallas in Wheatridge!

By Emirikol, in 2009 WFRP The Emperor's Decree Event

The gamestore owner sent me home with the set to prep. We're ready here! 10AM on Saturday at Valhalla's in Wheatridge. I'll be running a couple sessions and then we'll have another GM step in. Looks like it will be a gas! (and that's not just the smell of gamers!) ;)

Jay Hafner

Take a picture! Take a picture!

Show us what the table looks like half way through the game! I'm DYING to see what everything looks like mid game.

I'm also keen to see photos and video from the event, as well as your opinion on how the demo went, Emirikol.

I've got the camera ready and I'm probably going to go pick up a FLIP or just bring one of my video cameras from home for some live action shots :)

Jay H

Good luck with your game! I'll be running one of the demos at Compleat Games and Hobbies in the Springs tomorrow: I can't wait to read how yours goes. :D