Guide to Plot Decks

By Indalecio, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Is there any chance you will be doing this for the OL decks as well? Warlord, Saboteur, Punisher, Infector,..

That would be really awesome!

Is there any chance you will be doing this for the OL decks as well? Warlord, Saboteur, Punisher, Infector,..

That would be really awesome!

Thanks for suggesting that I would make a good guide to OL cards.

I intend to make one, but I haven't started yet. I´ve been busy lately, barely responding to some of the comments on the Plot decks guide.

I just need to decide of a format and I´ll certainly go through this in a similar fashion to how I dealt with the plot cards (e.g. geek list of some sort). The good part is that I have a lot more experience on average with most of these OL cards, since you can buy them in virtually any campaign. As opposed to plot decks which need to be have a 1<->1 relationship to a campaign. It's hard to accumulate experience for each plot deck in those conditions.

Edited by Indalecio

Thanks a lot OP, for a very insightful and interesting post.

While I will not comment on the general ratings of the decks (I sadly do not get to play Descent as often as I want to), I must give a critisism from my point of view: The review seems a little generic. It does not consider the group the OL is facing. (I have an annoying TH in my play group - Raythen would certainly mess with him. Yes, Raythen sucks in most other situations).

However; I'm currently using the Vital Essence deck, and on reading the review I get confused. The topic is "Worn Down".

The review says (rating it 1/5):

"A second threat token on a skill doesn't seem to be worth the effort. What matters is the extra fatigue cost upon activation. You should rather try to mark as many different skills as possible."

The card says:

"Exhaust this card after a hero uses a Class card that has a fatigue cost. Place one threat token from the supply on that Class card."

I might have misread something, but isn't this the major "deal out threat card"? If you consider "Slow Bones" or "Invest in the Flesh" this is pretty **** good!