Ancient Burial Site Qs

By Smazzurco, in UFS Rules Q & A

1. Is it released. If so when/how.

2. Does it only stop abilities whose EFFECTS would reveal cards or does it include costs. It says "cannot be played" so similar to Mortal Strike stopping Ispin, i could see the negation coming before the ability is able to be played.

Search function fails, but i thought i remember a thread about this card and King's F (which is Q #3)

Look what I finded .

It might not answer all the questions, but that discussion has some of the more official information.


So from what i understand it does NOT stop King's F, or other things where the reveal is part of the cost.

Its different that mortal strikes "momentum cannot be added."..its more like if Mortal Strike said "momentum cannot be added by card abilities".

Card is still not legal correct? Would be stupid powerful if it was "cards in a players hand may not be revealed"...that would shut down so much...