Brothel Madame

By kuni667, in Rules Questions

Hello All,

I have searched on these forums but could not find a topic for this question so I apologize if one is there but I missed it.

I have seen talk about this on Cardgame DB and Reddit concerning the timing on "When" you have to pay the "Targeted Player" and though the majority say it happens at the start of the Challenges Phase as per when the card states, it has come up at every store championship I have been at questioning it.

The select few believe that due to the separation of the two sentences of "Choosing a Player" and "Paying 1 Gold" they believe that the paying is an open ended action that can be "Used" at the time of their choosing.

What is the final call on this so I can tell my meta?

Thank you,


Brothel Madame gives the other player a chance to pay at the start of the Challenge phase . If they miss that chance, they cannot make military challenges. Although the sentences are separate, they are still part of the reaction. Note that "Until the end of phase" appears after the payment sentence. If the designers intended the payment option to remain, they would have said "Until the end of the phase, that player may give you 1 gold from his or her gold pool. If that player has not given you gold..."

There are several threads on the topic, but here is an example.

To go another level deeper, there will be other cards that give them additional chances to pay the Lannisters (like the recently spoiled Paid Off attachment). If they give a gold for Paid Off, that would satisfy the requirement of Brothel Madame.

Edited by Teamjimby

My question is, what happens if I have two of them ? Do they stack or not ?

My question is, what happens if I have two of them ? Do they stack or not ?

Not if they target the same player.

In a nutshell, the only time Brothel Madame gives the targeted player the option to pay the gold is when she is triggered. However, if the targeted player ends up paying gold through some other effect at any time during the phase, the detrimental effects "turn off." So the targeted player can't pay at will once she is triggered.

The reason triggering two on the same player is useless is because the same payment that shuts off the first will also shut off the second.