Question about attachments

By Paulohaka, in Rules questions & answers

Hi guys, i´m new on LOTR card game, and have some doubts about attachments.
In a two players game, can a player equip an attachment on a hero of the other player?

And with unique attachments, it can have only one with the same name equiped correct? but can have any number of diferent uniques?

thanks all

1. In a two players game, can a player equip an attachment on a hero of the other player?

2. And with unique attachments, it can have only one with the same name equiped correct? but can have any number of diferent uniques?

1. Yep!

2. The players as a group may have multiple unique cards in play at the same time so long as none of them share the same title.

Welcome to the game!

Nice, thanks
I have a question about the engagement, when engaged on an enemy, at a new engagement fase, can the other player engage on a monster already engaged by other player? or the monster keeps engaged on always the same player?

...when engaged on an enemy, at a new engagement fase, can the other player engage on a monster already engaged by other player?

No. Once an enemy engages a player, it stays engaged with that player until it is defeated/removed from the game or until a card effect directs otherwise.