Runewitch and glyphs - Hero equipment limts

By Hein99, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey all!

I've been doing some play testing (solo play) to get a better understaning of the rules. Sooo many rules...

Right now I have two questions that I bet are simple enough.

1) The Runewitch has the ability to activate a glyph as soon as she comes within 6 spaces of the glyph. So, what happens if she activates a glyph that happens to have a creature standing on it. I believe it's legal for the OL to have a creature land on and stop on a non-activated glyph but not on one that has been activated. What happens in this case?

2) My Hero is maxed out! 3 item in backpack, both hands full, 1 armor, 3 potions and two 'other' items. They open a chest and want what they find (or want to recieve something from another Hero). Can they drop items to take the new ones? Does this cost movement like equiping and giving items? What happens to the dropped items? Do they go on the ground or back to the deck?


1) The creature is moved to an adjacent space.

2) The new treasure can be immediately equipped or placed in the hero's pack, an extra item can be dropped at no cost in movement to make room for it and the dropped item goes back into the appropriate deck.

Not quite correct.

1) A monster that is on top of a glyph when it is activated is required to move off on the first turn that it can legally do so (FAQ page 5).

2) Any time that a hero receives an item for any reason, the hero can choose to immediately equip it or place it in his backpack, de-equipping or dropping other items to make room. This doesn't cost movement points, and can be done even if it isn't that hero's turn. However, the hero cannot equip other items or rearrange his equipment in any way except as necessary to make room to equip or store the new item.

Unless you're playing a Road to Legend extended campaign, dropped treasures are gone forever and cannot appear again in that game. "If a treasure deck runs out of cards, it is not reshuffled. The heroes simply cannot gain any more treasure of that type this game." (rules page 19) Though I have never seen this happen in actual play.

What happens to shop items or potions is less clear. Though everyone that I know of returns potion tokens to the shop any time they are used or lost (though the rules don't even say that you use up a potion when you drink it, let alone where the potion goes), and what happens to shop items is rarely important.

Hey Schmiegel!

I'm so happy to get such a fast reply. Thank you!!

Also, relics handle being dropped differently. If for some reason you're dropping a relic to make room, it's token goes on the board and can be picked up later.