Best of the /New/ ShadoWar Promos

By knew_b33, in UFS General Discussion

MarcoPulleaux said:

2. Ancient Burial Ground completely destroys her character

Jealously-Guarded Secret too.

MarcoPulleaux said:

Eithinis said:

There's been no real events to win yet, honestly.

She wasn't legal for SAS
Store Championships are mostly just the local playgroup playing themselves just like every week, and even then we haven't had many store championships
We're still in an off season for the most part. You used to be all about looking up the "data of regionals" and whatnot for exclaiming all your character tiers and what should dbe banned. Just give stuff some time before you spout off the "but she hasn't won an event" card, get some data like you usually do, and all that jazz
Just remember, we're in the off season; sure we have store championships, but I still don't see them as really displaying the competitive scene all that much, you won't get a lot of travelers to come ****** up that golden Kilik card.

OK! Once again!

Kisheri is a BEAST in the sheets. There's no denying it. Discard mixed with speed pump and a whole plethora of cards that reveal things from their hand?

Dude, she's amazing!

I'm simply saying that I wouldn't call her the best due to three huge factors:

1. 18 health is so risky in this block (truly reminds me of how Diamond/Pearl/Platinum tournies where everything is crush-face aggro)
2. Ancient Burial Ground completely destroys her character
3. Anti-discard (in particular Soul Wave*) pretty much limits her to her E alone.

But no dude, Kisheri is easily A tier and will see massive play.

I said nothing of the character's worth, i was simply saying your point of she hasn't won an event yet is a bit ridiculous. It's like saying "Astrid hasn't won an event yet." because well, she hasn't. But we all know how good she is. Or maybe "No one has won 1010 worlds yet", it's kinda just pointing out the obvious and impossible.

k but, reading back, I never said Kisheri sucks because SHE has never won an event

I said that 7 handers have had pretty bad luck in tournaments. Why? Well, for starters their abilities simply aren't as good as 6 handers, but also, their health is simply a huge risk in the current game.

So, again, Kisheri will see play in droves and I'm sure will do well. However, I didn't say she sucks because she's never won a tourney; I said 7 handers have never won a tourney, in large part due to their health.

If you are so worried about ancient burial site run it your self and it helps deal with the problem.

Homme Chapeau said:

MarcoPulleaux said:

2. Ancient Burial Ground completely destroys her character

Jealously-Guarded Secret too.

I like Hatman's answer better (though Marco is right). Extremely rare cards are never truly viable answers to real problems, for the majority of players.

ROTBI said:

I like Hatman's answer better (though Marco is right). Extremely rare cards are never truly viable answers to real problems, for the majority of players.

The thing is ABS isn't even out yet. I'd rather list something that is not only readily available, but, y'know, RELEASED.

True enough, to me that kind of puts in the in extremely rare category for the time being.

Homme Chapeau said:

ROTBI said:

I like Hatman's answer better (though Marco is right). Extremely rare cards are never truly viable answers to real problems, for the majority of players.

The thing is ABS isn't even out yet. I'd rather list something that is not only readily available, but, y'know, RELEASED.

I don't even know which of my BAD-ASS WORLDS PROMOS are legal and which aren't.

MarcoPulleaux said:

I don't even know which of my BAD-ASS WORLDS PROMOS are legal and which aren't.

Has it been released other than at Worlds?

If so, yes.

If no, no.

Homme Chapeau said:

MarcoPulleaux said:

I don't even know which of my BAD-ASS WORLDS PROMOS are legal and which aren't.

Has it been released other than at Worlds?

If so, yes.

If no, no.

I wouldn't know; I don't have a play group, meaning I don't get promos, meaning I don't know what's legal and what isn't.

MarcoPulleaux said:

I wouldn't know; I don't have a play group, meaning I don't get promos, meaning I don't know what's legal and what isn't.

Of course, this wouldn't be a problem if we had some sort of resource to say what cards are currently legal and what aren't.

there are threads out there, I just don't care to listen to them. By the time I have the means to compete with integrity, every card I own will be legal.

MarcoPulleaux said:

there are threads out there, I just don't care to listen to them. By the time I have the means to compete with integrity, every card I own will be legal.

Meh... at least you can compete.

MarcoPulleaux said:

I wouldn't know; I don't have a play group, meaning I don't get promos, meaning I don't know what's legal and what isn't.

I guess the only significance is, for example, my friends and I still play, and I've often dampered them with my Ancient Burial Grounds.

Been usin em since Worlds, had no idea they still weren't legal.