I'm just now slowly catching up to date with released characters and cards and so forth on all that's been happening and from what I found on the new ShadoWar promos is that Marius Gaius is really really potent on potentially any of the symbols to play him because of the awesome actions to use no matter what scene plus the free R to recur the actions later turns. Favorite event that happened thus far is going Clash of the Ages for a Third Rite with Warrior's Path pump then full multiple and Marius E on all copies.
My other favorite new ShadoWar is Dariya, however when I asked about her before some people said that she's not that potent yet with the thin cardpool to have worth in duplicating attacks, but the still potent ability to do so is astounding and awesome... like Twelve all over again even the first ability is useful.
I want to know what you more /professional/ players say about these new promo'd characters