Best of the /New/ ShadoWar Promos

By knew_b33, in UFS General Discussion

I'm just now slowly catching up to date with released characters and cards and so forth on all that's been happening and from what I found on the new ShadoWar promos is that Marius Gaius is really really potent on potentially any of the symbols to play him because of the awesome actions to use no matter what scene plus the free R to recur the actions later turns. Favorite event that happened thus far is going Clash of the Ages for a Third Rite with Warrior's Path pump then full multiple and Marius E on all copies.

My other favorite new ShadoWar is Dariya, however when I asked about her before some people said that she's not that potent yet with the thin cardpool to have worth in duplicating attacks, but the still potent ability to do so is astounding and awesome... like Twelve all over again even the first ability is useful.

I want to know what you more /professional/ players say about these new promo'd characters

more "professional" players



I like Kyoufu the best. Not exactly epoch, but can be extremely annoying fo shizzle. I'd love to say Kisheri's the best, but I refuse to acknowledge 7 HS presence as top tier chars, generally because every top 8 is pretty much dominated by 6 handers.

isn't he that crazy samurai guy that get's plus two for discarding the opponent's cardpool?

Kisheri is cool, but the new checks for abilities balance throws me way off on thinking on how to use it to better ability

and yes I called you all more professional

I am pretty professional, just making sure you acknowledged it as well.

Yes, Kyoufu clears the opponent's card pool to increase damage. She also has built-in Through the Defenses, which is her key selling point. Combine her with Purple Army Suit, From the Hawk, etc, and you may be able to potentially make all of your attacks unblockable (theory being that they have only one block).

I could care less about Kisheri's CC-costed ability (plays Siegfried), it's that she's offended by Jealously-Guarded Secret and butchered by Ancient Burial Ground (interestingly sharing two symbols with her).

First of all, 3 different 7HS characters made Top 8 at SAS - Zi Mei, Tira, and Cassie.

Second, Kisheri is cracked as hell, especially off Death wirth Cold and Indifferent and Keeper Of the Watchers.

Speaking as ATL's resident Kisheri player...

Yeah, she's ridiculous. Fragile, which is the price you pay being a 7hs character in the current format, but has a multitide of defensive tricks to keep her skinny butt alive, not the least of which is the ability to completely tear hands apart.

I think Kisheri would be stupid, if she was built of death. How dumb would that deck be if she used the went Crushing Embrace of the Jotun, into midnight launcher, into knight breaker. The whole time while she strips your and, and gives speed pump to her attacks making them go off even better. I know she is fragile, but I would pay that price to somebody eat a unblocked knight breaker combo.

That's basically what my build does, except not with Crushing Embrace. No block = no thanks.

VikramS said:

First of all, 3 different 7HS characters made Top 8 at SAS - Zi Mei, Tira, and Cassie.

Second, Kisheri is cracked as hell, especially off Death wirth Cold and Indifferent and Keeper Of the Watchers.

Perhaps, but none of those have actually WON an event, now have they? Not saying 7 hander = autolose, Hell no. Just saying having that fatter ass is better than one more card (especially if you're a Fire char and can just draw out of your handsize).

Kisheri IS pretty whack...

...'cept like I said, Ancient Burial Ground instant destroys a Kisheri not running Scroll of the Abyss (and remember, ABG-player can run their own Scroll and Controller of Souls), and anti-discard is an obvious one. While one may argue anti-discard isn't yet necessary, I say only fools don't prepare for obvious War Between Sisters, Wipe the Floor, and of course, character's like Kisheri.

MarcoPulleaux said:

VikramS said:

First of all, 3 different 7HS characters made Top 8 at SAS - Zi Mei, Tira, and Cassie.

Second, Kisheri is cracked as hell, especially off Death wirth Cold and Indifferent and Keeper Of the Watchers.

Perhaps, but none of those have actually WON an event, now have they? Not saying 7 hander = autolose, Hell no. Just saying having that fatter ass is better than one more card (especially if you're a Fire char and can just draw out of your handsize).

Kisheri IS pretty whack...

...'cept like I said, Ancient Burial Ground instant destroys a Kisheri not running Scroll of the Abyss (and remember, ABG-player can run their own Scroll and Controller of Souls), and anti-discard is an obvious one. While one may argue anti-discard isn't yet necessary, I say only fools don't prepare for obvious War Between Sisters, Wipe the Floor, and of course, character's like Kisheri.

There's been no real events to win yet, honestly.

She wasn't legal for SAS
Store Championships are mostly just the local playgroup playing themselves just like every week, and even then we haven't had many store championships
We're still in an off season for the most part. You used to be all about looking up the "data of regionals" and whatnot for exclaiming all your character tiers and what should dbe banned. Just give stuff some time before you spout off the "but she hasn't won an event" card, get some data like you usually do, and all that jazz
Just remember, we're in the off season; sure we have store championships, but I still don't see them as really displaying the competitive scene all that much, you won't get a lot of travelers to come ****** up that golden Kilik card.

Eithinis said:

you won't get a lot of travelers to come ****** up that golden Kilik card.

**** you Eithinis. Now I can't get the 'golden ticket' scene from Willy Wonka out of my head. :)

"Ive found the golden Kilik." "Run, run home Charlie, as fast as you can!"

Marius is pretty brutal. My 'rough draft' build was wrecking house. I can only imagine how he will turn out when I am finished tweaking him.

Marius Gaius* + Brazilian Beauty = reusing the actions you cast ON THAT VERY TURN. Totally skews me in favor of All for him (ohai, Toughest in the Universe and Frantic Search , how do you do?). Full Moon Disembowel also looks like fun to use with him. gran_risa.gif

Are Kyoufu or Kisheri even legal?

How do you clash of ages to 3rd rite and full multiple? Can't you only multiple as a combo?

Im probably missing something but i got no sleep so forgive me lol

JDub said:

Are Kyoufu or Kisheri even legal?

Kisheri was confirmed legal as of UK Nats, she was one of the participation prizes.

ChaosChild said:

Kisheri was confirmed legal as of UK Nats, she was one of the participation prizes.


Participation prizes at a national event have always been considered non-legal until they are given out to the world at large.

Rashotep*, French Nats
Zi Mei*, Canadian Nats
Zhao Daiyu*, US Nats
And the UK exclusive of that year, were not made legal until they hit standard prize support (Zi Mei was an exception due to the redemption they held for Set 9, but even then she was offered to the world via redemption before she became legal).

It was announced at Nats that she was legal.

ChaosChild said:

It was announced at Nats that she was legal.

You have no idea how annoyed I am at this news.

Since surprisingly there's been little talk of it, I'll say it.

Heir to the Storm is good.

guitalex2008 said:

Since surprisingly there's been little talk of it, I'll say it.

Heir to the Storm is good.

Yes it is, but that was obvious.

I really like Power of the Edge, but that cost is just brutal. Who has 2 momentum to just discard like that.....

Mind you the card is really strong, so I guess the cost makes it balanced.

chinese boxer said:

I really like Power of the Edge, but that cost is just brutal. Who has 2 momentum to just discard like that.....

Mind you the card is really strong, so I guess the cost makes it balanced.

I use it and C&I in a void king build. he gets momentum oh so easily

Smazzurco said:

How do you clash of ages to 3rd rite and full multiple? Can't you only multiple as a combo?

Im probably missing something but i got no sleep so forgive me lol

yeah me too man, I was thinking too much and just put down the full multiple part... man lack of sleep sucks...

Eithinis said:

There's been no real events to win yet, honestly.

She wasn't legal for SAS
Store Championships are mostly just the local playgroup playing themselves just like every week, and even then we haven't had many store championships
We're still in an off season for the most part. You used to be all about looking up the "data of regionals" and whatnot for exclaiming all your character tiers and what should dbe banned. Just give stuff some time before you spout off the "but she hasn't won an event" card, get some data like you usually do, and all that jazz
Just remember, we're in the off season; sure we have store championships, but I still don't see them as really displaying the competitive scene all that much, you won't get a lot of travelers to come ****** up that golden Kilik card.

OK! Once again!

Kisheri is a BEAST in the sheets. There's no denying it. Discard mixed with speed pump and a whole plethora of cards that reveal things from their hand?

Dude, she's amazing!

I'm simply saying that I wouldn't call her the best due to three huge factors:

1. 18 health is so risky in this block (truly reminds me of how Diamond/Pearl/Platinum tournies where everything is crush-face aggro)
2. Ancient Burial Ground completely destroys her character
3. Anti-discard (in particular Soul Wave*) pretty much limits her to her E alone.

But no dude, Kisheri is easily A tier and will see massive play.