Hi guys,
So, in a game yesterday I was playing zarathur, and I had a bloodthirster on the same planet as him. The enemy had a Steel legion chimera among 3 other units.
I use the bloodthirster's Area Effect attack 3.
So the first question is very basic, and that is when does Zarathur's ability trigger? Is it before my damage actually goes on to the enemy? Or are they hit for 3, and then 1 is added?
Then, when does the chimera die? I deal 4 damage, and he doesn't shield it, so it definitely dies. However does its ability trigger and every other card takes 1 less damage? It's a reaction, not an interrupt, so we assumed that the damage landed first, killed it, and then everyone else took the full 4 damage.
Of course, if Zarathur's ability is added after the initial hit, then it would have taken 3, protected every other card for 1 damage, and then died by the additional damage. (I assumed that the damage was added on the way over before it actually reaches the enemy card, so this wasn't the main rules query)
Is this correct?
We started talking ourselves in circles and second guessed everything.