Decklists Vault

By AshmaDaeva, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

How are you everyone!

Our user iGaveHimLife spoke about something that gave me a great idea.

Before I actually do something i want to ask opinions.

The Idea would be to create a "mini site" of some sort in which we could find decklists of what are considered "archetypes from the metagame" at a global level.

I thought about this and it didn't even need to be a site. Just maybe a sticky on the deck construction forum with the most known or used lists and a "basic build"

What do you think?

ive been looking for something like the agot site for years so this would be great. a rating system would be most useful too.

I have already started setting one up... getting a new domain is only like 10 bucks or something so I just thought.. why not? The site is registered and should propagate in the next 24 hours or so.. I will try to have the bare bones of it up by then.

The site will consist of a simple forum.. much like this one.. but with the ability to attach to the post a deck file to be used in Nyarlazorbec Cthulhu Deck Builder. So any registered member can start a new thread for his deck and post it up there for others to simply download.

There is a POLL system in the forum rules so at the top of the thread you have a rating graphic.

There is also a few other areas of the site for chat about rules and deck construction theory and a few other things.

I will be needing some help moderating it if anyone is interested. If the site dose in fact see any traffic the main thing we will need is people to post winning comp decks.

And if it dose not get used? Well 10 bucks isn't much cash to spend.

Anyway.. the site should be live soon.

iGaveHimLife said:

I have already started setting one up... getting a new domain is only like 10 bucks or something so I just thought.. why not? The site is registered and should propagate in the next 24 hours or so.. I will try to have the bare bones of it up by then.

The site will consist of a simple forum.. much like this one.. but with the ability to attach to the post a deck file to be used in Nyarlazorbec Cthulhu Deck Builder. So any registered member can start a new thread for his deck and post it up there for others to simply download.

There is a POLL system in the forum rules so at the top of the thread you have a rating graphic.

There is also a few other areas of the site for chat about rules and deck construction theory and a few other things.

I will be needing some help moderating it if anyone is interested. If the site dose in fact see any traffic the main thing we will need is people to post winning comp decks.

And if it dose not get used? Well 10 bucks isn't much cash to spend.

Anyway.. the site should be live soon.

Mate, if you need anything you can count on me. I think that I would be able to help. Btw, about the 10 bucks, if you need we could split the costs!

Add me as a friend so I can give you my email!


Hi, I am very new to the game. I played the old MYTHOS version by Chaosium and really liked it. I think a deck vault would be a great idea and I would use it. Can anybody provide a link to the COC deck builder application? Nyarlahobec or whatever it was called? That would be awesome. FFG no longer has the link. Thank you very much for your assistance.

sure, look under the general discussion tab and you will see deck builder freeware for coc, thats the one we are talking about, you can also download the zip file at the bottom to update it with all the latest cards, just open it and transfer all folders over,

also you can try the lackey program, to play online with as well, that does ccg and lcg :)

skipn50 said:

Hi, I am very new to the game. I played the old MYTHOS version by Chaosium and really liked it. I think a deck vault would be a great idea and I would use it. Can anybody provide a link to the COC deck builder application? Nyarlahobec or whatever it was called? That would be awesome. FFG no longer has the link. Thank you very much for your assistance.

site is still under-construction but the site some of us on this board are trying to start up for deck lists has all the links for the deck builder and stuff as well as other such useful links.

skipn50 said:

Hi, I am very new to the game. I played the old MYTHOS version by Chaosium and really liked it. I think a deck vault would be a great idea and I would use it. Can anybody provide a link to the COC deck builder application? Nyarlahobec or whatever it was called? That would be awesome. FFG no longer has the link. Thank you very much for your assistance.

Here it is: (french version of the website, but the software is exactly the same, both languages are included) (english version)