Newbie Question about Decks and Card Access

By ElderKoala, in Rules questions & answers

My apologies if this has been asked. I searched and such and couldn't find. So, I have the core and the first block. Our plan is to play through all the blocks, and if a hero dies, he's out, and see how far we can get. When are you able to add cards to your deck? For example, if you're just starting the Core, when can you add Hunt for Gollum cards into your deck? Or is this just.. you always have access to what you own, good luck! sorta thing.

There are no game restriction on adding expansion and building a deck. You can play any scenario with any cards you own. Sometimes people self impose restrictions. Like progression for example, were you only use player cards from the quest you are playing and earlier

Thanks mate! We'll adopt that house rule just to 'make sense'.